Variations of laryngeal features in Jianchuan Bai
Feng Wang 汪锋

Abstract 摘要
The tonal system in Jianchuan Bai has attracted much attention for its complex combinations of pitch and phonation type. In this paper,1 based on EGG signals, three parameters, namely F0, Open Quotient (OQ) and Speed Quotient (SQ), are extracted to examine the tonal quality. It is found that there are two non-modal phonation types, Harsh and Pressed, and roughly four groups of pitch pattern (31/31/41; 33/433; 55/54; 35) in the eight tonal categories. One pair of tones can only be distinguished from each other by phonation type since their pitches are the same. As for other pairs, both pitch and phonation type may contribute to the distinction between them. Notably, non-modal phonation types vary across different Bai speakers. For a particular non-modal tone, one speaker may employ harsh voice, while another may use pressed voice. Sometimes, the non-modal phonation type even changed within a syllable. It is then suggested that different strategies may be used to produce non-modal tones in contrast with their modal counterpart. Moreover, based on the Bai data, how to define different phonation types based on the three basic parameters, F0, OQ and SQ, is discussed. Harsh voice is a better term for the type with the laryngeal features [Middle falling F0, -OQ, -SQ] rather than high-pitched voice.

剑川白语的声调系统中音高与发声类型的配合关系复杂,很引人注目。本文基于电声门信号,提取基频、开商和速度商三个参数来探讨声调的性质。在八个调类中,有两种特殊发声类型-刺耳音和紧喉音。按音高可以大致分为4组,即31/31/41; 33/433; 55/54;35。其中有一对音高完全相同,只能根据发声类型的不同来区分调类。至于其他对,音高和发声类型都可能对区分有贡献。值得注意的是,特殊发声类型在不同发音人中有变异。某种特殊发声类型,一个白语发音人可能用刺耳音,而另一个可能发紧喉音。有时,特殊发声类型可能在一个音节内发生转换。这说明不同的发音人可能运用不同的发声策略来与相对的普通发声调类构成区别。论文根据白语进一步探讨了如何根据基频、开商和速度商这三个基本参数来定义发声类型的种类。对于白语中具有中降调、低开商和低速度商的特殊发声类型而言,刺耳音或许是比高音调嗓音更合适的术语。

Keywords 关键词

Jianchuan Bai 剑川白语 EGG 电声门信号 Phonation type 发声类型 Tone 声调

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