Historical development of Chinese dialects: from perspective of georgraphical information (in Chinese)
Pan Wuyun 潘悟云

Abstract 摘要
The areas sharing the same sound change are usually in accordance with historical administrational regions as a result of the impact of the dominant culture. In this paper, with examples such as the modern reflexes of division 2, division 3 and 4 of Middle Chinese Jianmu Kaikou initials, and modern reflexes of Middle Chinese Bingmu initials in level-tone syllables as shown in GIS, the author identifies two critical periods in forming Chinese southeastern dialects: Weijin as the formation period of colloquial readings of Chinese dialects, and Tang, Wudai, Song, and Yuan as the formation period of literary readings of Chinese dialects.


Subject Keywords 主题词

Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.45, no.2 (June 2017): 458-465
Copyright © 2017 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.

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