Bilabial trill induced by fricative high rounded vowel: The emerging of “Tʙ” in the Wu dialect of Su-Wan boundary
圆唇高元音摩擦化所引发的唇颤现象: 苏皖边界吴语“Tʙ”的产生
Dan Yuan 袁丹; Feng Ling 凌锋; Ruiqing Shen 沈瑞清; Menghui Shi 史濛辉

Abstract 摘要
This paper describes the phonetic properties of “Tʙ” in the Wu dialect of Jiangsu and Anhui provinces of China (Su-Wan) boundary and discusses the articulation conditions of “Tʙ” in phonetics. We argue that the consonant, mainly the voiceless apico-alveolar plosives or affricates [t/ts/tʃ] as well as their aspirated counterparts tend to undergo trillization. On the other hand, at least three features [+high] [+rounded] [+fricative] for the vowels should be guaranteed. It is further argued that unlike the claim of Ladefoged and Everett (1996), “Tʙ” is not rare in the world’s language, but yields a high relevance to the friction of the high rounded vowel.

本文描写了苏皖边界吴语“Tʙ”的语音性质以及“Tʙ”声学上的发音条件。我们认为,从辅音上看,主要是清舌齿塞音和塞擦音[t/ts/tʃ],以及各自相应的送气音易发生唇颤。另一方面,元音则至少具备[+高][+圆唇][+摩擦化]三个特征。本文进一步认为,与Ladefoged和Everett (1996)所说的不同,“Tʙ”在世界语言中并不罕见,“Tʙ”的产生与圆唇高元音的摩擦化密切相关。

Subject Keywords 主题词

The Wu dialect of Su-Wan boundary 苏皖交界地带吴语 Voiceless apico-dental plosive followed by bilabial trill 清舌齿塞音后接双唇颤音 High rounded vowel 圆唇高元音 Fricative 摩擦化

Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.47, no.1 (January 2019): 172-192
Copyright © 2019 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.

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