On the differences of modifiers of Ganzhi 干支 in the Oracle bone inscriptions. (In Chinese)
Fei Deng 邓飞

Abstract 摘要
As an important way of time recording, Ganzhi in the Oracle-Bone Inscriptions of Shang dynasty is different from that in later ages in that it can be modified. However, huge controversies arise as to the semantics of its modifiers. Focusing on the whole Ganzhi time system, this paper examines the distribution and internal relationship of the modifiers with corpus-based evidences from the CUHK’s CHANT. It is found that: (i) “jinlai” is equipped with poor productivity due to its two internally contradicting semantic branches; (ii) “jin/yi/lai/jinlai” differ from “jinri/yiri/lairi” in their pragmatic functions with the form group belonging to the North Village whereas the later the South Village; (iii) and “jin/jinri”, “yi/yiri”, “lai/lairi” are characterized by distinctive features of ‘reference to time proximate’, ‘reference to the time point’ and ‘reference to time not belong to the whole-ten-ganzhi circle’ respectively. In short, modifiers of Ganzhi are the results of interactions between pragmatic functions and semantics.

中国殷商甲骨卜辞时间中干支有着重要地位。与之后不同的是,卜辞干支前可加不同的修饰语,其意义学界分歧甚大。本论文着眼于卜辞的整个干支系统,以香港中文大学汉达文库为支撑,分析其分布和内部关系。论文发现: 1) “今来”能产性差的根源是由于其内部两个语义枝有矛盾;2) “今/翌/来/今来”与“今日/翌日/来日”之间存在语用差异,分属村北和村南系;3) 干支修饰语“今/今日”“翌/翌日”“来/来日”区别特征分别是“近指、定指占卜次日、非本旬”。由此推知,卜辞干支前的修饰语是语用、语义共同作用的产物。

Subject Keywords 主题词

Meanings 语义 Pragmatics 语用 Ganzhi 干支 Modifier 修饰语 Oracle-bone Inscriptions 甲骨卜辞

Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol.48, no.2 (June 2020): 456-487
Copyright © 2020 Journal of Chinese Linguistics. All rights reserved.

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