Historical change of prepositions and emergence of SOV order
Shuan-fan Huang 黄宣范

Abstract 摘要
This paper presents a fairly exhaustive analysis of the historical evolution of prepositions and its role in the shaping of SOV order in Chinese. Sections 1-4 examine the hypothesis set forth in Li and Thompson (1973, 1974, 1975) and the semantic principle proposed in Tai (1975) concerning the emergence of modern preverbal prepositions and their interpretation. It is argued that none of the prepositions examined supports the Li and Thompson hypothesis in a clear-cut fashion, and that a purely semantic characterization of prepositions fails to do full justice to the syntactic spread of modern prepositions. Section 5 suggests that a significant portion of modern morphology is intimately tied to the elision of prepositions, a process which has been in full operation on the Chinese language since classical antiquity. The final section summarizes the result of the paper.

本文从历史发展的角度探讨中文所谓介系词的演变,以及此一演变对中文主宾动词的影响.第一节至第四节评论李讷,汤姗笛两人提出的介词发展的假设(1973, 1974, 1975)以及戴浩一标榜的语意原则。作者指出安汤的假设缺少历史发展的证据而纯语意的解释也无法窥视现代中文介词的全貌. 最后一节指出介词的发展跟中文构词法有极为密切的关系。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 6 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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