Current developments in Zhunyanese (Soviet Dunganese) studies
Mantaro J. Hashimoto 桥本万太郎

Abstract 摘要
The present article endeavors to examine and evaluate studies in the field of Zhunyanese linguistics which appeared primarily in the twentieth century, but with particular emphasis on work accomplished since 1955. While a bibliographical listing is imperative for this kind of article, it is limited to a minimum, and the discussion is focused on how the studies were developed, what their current state is, and where problems are. The article is followed by a bibliography which covers only those works mentioned in the main text.

这篇文章先摘要今世纪初以来的, 特别1955 年以后出刊的东干语言学的研究成就。 然后在音韵,形态, 语法这三方面指出什幺问题特别有意思, 现代东干语言学的课题是什幺, 讨论这类问题需要详细的文献目录。不过著者的任务不是写东干语言学史; 录在文后的[文献目录]只包括本文里所谈到的。需要详细的文献目录的读者请参看日本 “言语研究” 41和60, “中国语言学”220, “言语”6卷6号等。

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics   volume 6 (ISSN 0091-3723)
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