Reflexes of Archaic Chinese *g and *ɣ in the Min Dialects (in Chinese)
古音声母*g和 *ɣ 闽语中的演变
Pang-Hsin Ting 丁邦新

Abstract 摘要
According to the new material discovered in Shibo (石陂), a Northern Min dialect, this paper suggests that there were g and Ä initials in Archaic Chinese. The characters that belong to the xia initial (匣) in Archaic Chinese may be divided into two groups. One group, which originally combined with characters of the qun initial (羣), originated from Archaic Chinese g- and is preserved as g- in Shibei; the other group, which originally combined with characters of the yu initial (喻三), originated from Archaic Chinese Ä- and is preserved as ú- Shibei. Jerry Norman reconstructed five distinctive initials in his proto-Min system, namely, g, gh, -g, h, and Ä, which could be reduced to two, namely, g and Ä.

本文根据石陂闽语的新资料推断上古音中有 g 和 ɣ 的不同,上古匣母字可以分成两类,一类和群母合而为一,上古音是 g,现在石陂内有读 g- 的现象;另一类匣母字和喻三合而为一,上古音是Ä,石陂则有读ú- 的痕迹。罗杰瑞 (Jerry Norman) 的古闽语系统中有 g, gh, -g, h, ɣ 等五个声母,可以简化为 g 和 ɣ 两种。

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