The Old and New Grammar of Synonyms among Pronouns in Taiwanese (in Chinese)
Robert Cheng 郑良伟

Abstract 摘要
The paper discuss two types of synonyms among pronouns: (1) those between three types of memory units, lexicon, morphological pattern, and regular syntactic structure, and (2) those between different language layers, pronouns with morphemes of old layer, new layer, and mixture of old and new. Quite a few pronouns as lexical entries are from the old layer in terms of colloquial reading or unclear etymology (e.g. lang5 ‘other’ lan2 ‘we inclusive’) or old day grammar (D-N chit-tah ‘here’; pat8-lang5 ‘other’). Function words used in regular syntax tend to be from the new layer *e.g. ki5-tha-e5 N, hou7-siong7 + VP). Function words in pattern tend to come from the old layer, whereas the content words can be from new or old. (sio-V, tak8-M).

The paper discusses the sources of synonyms, historical study of etymons in earlier Chinese character texts, and grammatical analysis of modern texts as well as the spoken language. Problems presented include: reference to the speaker and address by honorific and humble terms, the self-other pronouns, in addition to the first and second person pronouns; semantic classification of pronouns, of ‘self-other’ and ‘same-different’; different use of Chinese characters for Taiwanese morpheme, in earlier texts and modern ones.

All these concern the thorny problems of providing the syntactic, semantic, programmatic and phonological information to the Pronouns as entries in a Taiwanese Mandarin lexicon.


“人与己”或“自我和他人”在汉语是很常出现的观念对立。这个观念上的对立,很明显地反映不同记忆和认知单位的各层面里的语词上的对立:复合词里的词根(自杀:他杀),词汇单位虚词(“家己” (自己):别人),词法里的虚词(sio照顾)句法里的回指规律(“家己无爱食,那会欲叫人食?” (自己不吃,怎么要叫人家吃?))。另外,语用中表达“被高举的中心人物” 和“被降低的局外人”人际关系的对立,这时“人” 可能指涉第一、第二、第三人称。

本文将语词的语意结构和指涉规律分开,列出可以指涉第一和第二人称的三种语词:一)人称代名词。二)人己代名词的“人” ,以及三)亲属、职位、社会交往上的对称语。从这个语意和指涉的关系,可解释以第二类或第三类充当人称代词的语意转变现象。

台语的“别人” 有时表达“人己” 的“人” ,有时又表达“异同” 的“异”。同时随着语意的精密化和表达明确化的需要,“别人” 的语意也可由几种新语言形式表达意义类似、却有细微差异的观念。这些演变反映在各种语词单位之间类义语的语意功能划分(人、别人、别个人、其它的人、另外彼个人)。其中量词的结构化导致表达明确化(仝人:无仝人,仝个人、别个人,仝彼个人:另外彼个人)。

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