13. Chronological Implications in the Migration Behavior of Sonorant-Initial Graphs
13. 成音节音声母变体/字符行为中的时序意义
Chung-yu. Chen 陈重瑜

Abstract 摘要

13.1 Migration Behavior of the Ci-Zhuo (Sonorant-Initial) Graphs
13.2.1 Contents of Ci-Zhuo graphs in the three interflows
13.2.2 Ci-Zhuo graphs in the First-Tier changes of Ru-sheng transitions
13.2.3 Ci-Zhuo graphs in the Third-Tier changes, the convergent changes into Yin-Ping
13.2.4 Ci-Zhuo graphs in Modern Peking in general
13.3 Concluding Remarks.

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