15. Overlapping of Successive Phases of MC Ru-sheng Graphs: (1) the multiple readings in modern Pekinese (2) evolvement of 3rd tone readings (3) families of 未 and 末 in Guangyun
15. 中古汉语变体/字符连续阶段的重叠:1)现代北京话的多种读法 2)三声调的参与 3)广韵中未及末组群
Chung-yu. Chen 陈重瑜

Abstract 摘要

(1) the multiple readings in Modern Pekinese,
(2) evolvement of 3rd Tone readings,
(3) families of未 and 末in Guangyun

15.1 Background and the Time Frame of the Corpus
15.2 Patterns of Earlier and Later Transitions within a Word Family
15.3 Patterns of Transitions in graphs Having Both Ru and Non-Ru Readings in Middle Chinese
15.4 Patterns of Transitions in Modern Multiple-Reading Graphs having Only a Ru-sheng Reading in Middle Chinese
15.4.1 The Modern readings of graphs having only one Ru-sheng reading in Middle Chinese -- separate scrutiny.
15.4.2 In the absence of vocalic endings – the medial and other considerations
15.6 A scrutiny of the Third-Tone Readings of Middle Chinese Ru-sheng Graphs -- Two Rarities
15.7 A Tale of two Families
15.8 Conclusion.

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