Rime structure of the Dongshi Hakka
Raung-fu Chung 钟荣富

Abstract 摘要
The Dongshi Hakka is one of the Dapu varieties. There are six vowels: [i, ö, e, a, o, u]. The apical vowel [ö] occurs only after [ts, tsh, s] and [tS, tSh, S] and it is not followed by any consonant. The other five vowels constitute 62 Finals, abiding by the CGVE syllable structure together with 4 constraints. The four constraints or rules are: (a) Dissimilation Constraint, precluding any vowel of the same [back] feature from constituting a diphthong; (b) Assimilation Constraint, stopping a vowel and its following consonant from sharing different [back] features. (c) Diphthong Principle, demanding that one of the diphthong vowels should be a high vowel; and (d) Labial Constraint, prohibiting any syllable in which the onset and the coda are both labial sounds.

台湾东势客家话属于大埔客家话的一种,有六个元音,分别为[i, ö, e, a, o, u],其中舌尖元音[ö]只接在[ts, tsh, s]等三个舌尖音之后,且东势客家话绝对没有*öC(C=任何辅音)之类的音节。其它五个元音,则可以依据汉语音节结构的要求,相互结合形成复合元音,包括双元音及三合元音。这五个元音还可以和-m/p, -n/t, -/k等三对辅音共同形成62个韵母(不含m, n, N三个可以自成音节的辅音)。 本文以四个简单的规律,把东势客家话的五个元音,和三对辅音韵尾-m/p, -n/t, -/k结合而成的62韵母,做个结构归纳,并解释某些应该可以出现,而没有出现的韵母或音节形式。这四个规律或制约为:(a)复合元音的异化制约,排除了具有相同前后音值的元音结合成复合元音。(b)元音与韵尾结合的同化限制,排除了元音与韵尾具有不同后音值的韵母结构。(c)复合元音内的组成成分至少要有一个高元音,因为客家话的介音一定是[i]或[u]。(d)唇音异化:如果韵尾是唇音,则声母不能是唇音。

Subject Keywords 关键词

Hakka phonology 客家音系学 Rime structure 韵母结构 Dongshi Hakka 东势客家话

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