The effect of syllable lengthening: On the duration of syllable nucleus and coda in Cantonese
Kwan hin Cheung 张群显; Ling Zhang 张凌

Abstract 摘要
Syllable isochrony in general and motivated syllable lengthening at times in Cantonese are no contradiction; in fact they corroborate each other. Signaling of sentence stress is one of the functions that syllable lengthening fulfils in Cantonese. This paper compares the duration structures of stressed (therefore lengthened) and non-stressed syllables, so as to see the effect of syllable lengthening on the duration of the syllable nucleus (V) vis-a-vis that of the coda (Cd). The paper is based on an experiment with two informants, one male (M) and one female (F). The experiment has two parts. Part 1 looks at how the trochaic (long V, short Cd) rimes and iambic (short V, long Cd) rimes behave, respectively, across the three types of rimes classified according to manner of articulation of coda, namely, vowel vs. nasal vs. stop. The results show that, with the exception of iambic rimes with stop coda, all the other five types of V-Cd configuration exhibit the pattern of putting the burden of lengthening mainly on the part (V or Cd) that has the “long” attribute. Iambic rimes with stop coda, on the other hand, put that burden mainly on the V, which originally has the “short” attribute. Part 2 is focused on rimes with stop coda, which show anomaly in Part 1. The rimes [aːt] and [ɐt] (representing trochee and iamb respectively) combine with different following onsets exhaustively to give a larger sample. The results corroborate the pattern exhibited in Part 1 as far as F is concerned. As for M, the results are somewhat mixed. While the majority cases are compatible with F, the remainder cases (applicable to trochaic and iambic rimes alike) are disparate and defy clear pattern abstraction. The pattern that F exhibits throughout and M exhibits in the majority of cases corroborates our observation of the general behavior of native speakers of Cantonese. One can assume that this is the normal behavior of native Cantonese speakers. In this behavior, the singular pattern applicable to iambic rimes with stop coda, namely that it is mainly the V with the “short” attribute that is lengthened to achieve syllable lengthening, can be explained by the fact that a stop coda in Cantonese typically assumes a period of time without audible phonetic signal, and thus does not lend itself to lengthening.

粤语音节时长的相对固定,跟粤语在特定情况下个别音节须要延长,两者之间不但并无矛盾,还是相辅相成的。音节延长的理由不一,其中一个理由是用以体现句子重读。本文主要通过比较非重读音节与重读(意味延长)音节的时长表现,审视粤语音节的延长对韵腹韵尾时长有怎样的影响。 本文所据的实验有一男一女两个发音合作人,实验分成两部分。第一部分看元音尾、鼻音尾、塞音尾三种韵母类型的音节在被延长时韵腹韵尾时长比例的变化。结果显示,除了短腹长塞尾的情况外,其余五种情况都划一地把延长音节的任务主要由原来就属长的韵腹或韵尾来担负;但短腹长塞尾类型的韵母则与别不同地主要把自身属短型的韵腹来拉长。 第二部分实验集中看在第一部分表现异常的塞尾韵,用穷尽性的后接声母搭配去扩大样本,进一步检视[aːt]、[ɐt]两韵(分别代表长腹和短腹两种类型)的不同表现。结果显示,女合作人的表现完全符合第一部分的表现;男合作人则有点反复:大部分情况与女合作人的情况细节不同而大体相类,但不论长腹韵或短腹韵,都有小部分情况表现异常,未有明显的规律性。女合作人的全部表现和那占男合作人大部分情况的相类表现,基本符合我们对粤语母语者一般表现的观察。我们可以假定这就是粤语母语者的正常表现。在这种表现之下,粤语短腹塞尾型韵「主要通过延长本来属短型的韵腹去延长音节」这异于其他韵类的现象,可从塞尾本身体现为语音空白因而不宜拉长而得到解释。

Subject Keywords 关键词

Syllable lengthening 音节延长 Duration 时长 Stress 重读 Syllable nucleus 韵腹韵尾 Coda 长短 Vowel 元音

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