Grammatical change in language contact: On the origin of the“verb + object + complement” construction in Nanning Yue
语言接触中的语法变化:论南宁粤语「述语 + 宾语 + 补语」结构的来源
Bit-chee Kwok 郭必之

Abstract 摘要
This paper aims at exploring the origin of the peculiar “verb + object + complement” construction (“VOC” construction) in Nanning Yue, a Yue dialect closely related to Standard Cantonese. It is pointed out that the “VOC” construction in Nanning Yue is not an archaic feature, but a result of “shift-induced interference” (cf. Thomason 2001) when a large number of Zhuang speakers, who used “VOC” construction in their mother tongue, shifted to Nanning Yue about a century ago. The examples shown in this paper provide solid evidence in support of Chen’s (2005) theory, that suggests that “shift-induced interference” plays an important role in the divergence of Chinese dialects.

属于邕浔片粤语的南宁话,有一种罕见于汉语方言的「述宾补」(VOC) 结构,如「食饭饱」、「饮酒醉」等。本文给出了充份的证据,认为这是和同样使用「VOC」的壮语接触后的结果,和中古流行的「隔开式」述补结构没有任何关系。文中以 Thomason (2001) 的「转用干扰」说作为立论的主干,指出南宁地区的壮人在语言转换时,把自己母语的特点带到目标语 (粤语) 里去。陈保亚 (2005) 主张「转用干扰」是汉语方言形成其中一个重要的源头,本文的例子为他的学说提供了鲜活的证据。

Subject Keywords 关键词

Nanning Yue 南宁粤语 Zhuang language 壮语 Language contact 语言接触 Shift-induced interference 转用干扰 Verb complement construction 述补结构

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