The diminutive rime change in Wuhan
Feng-fu Tsao 曹逢甫; Wanyu Lee 李婉瑜

Abstract 摘要
It is generally believed that the phonological modification of diminutive in Wuhan and some of its neighboring dialects is a matter of R-suffixation. The actual changes are, however, so different from the typical R-suffixation. In this paper, we suggest that the modified forms in Wuhan represents the residues of diminutive nasal endings, and not a result of the R-suffixation.
In the diminutive rimes of Wuhan Dialect, the original codas are replaced by /n/ and the original vowels are neutralized as a result of vowel nasalization,eventually yielding and . For example,"

Within the framework of the grammaticalization cycle (Tsao, 2006) and also on the basis of a the cross-dialectal comparison, we find convergent rime changes in a number of other dialects similar to those in Wuhan. Thus, in this paper, we argue that the diminutive forms in Wuhan dialect are residues of nasal suffixation, instead of R-suffixation. The nasal suffixation results in syllabic changes and vowel convergences. We believe that in the past diminutive nasal endings were productive in Wuhan, as in the case of the Wu dialects. Towards the end of the grammaticalization cycle, however, the nasalized vowels, which served as the diminutive marker at that stage, are denasalized, ending with the diminutive forms in today’s Wuhan dialect.

武汉方言的小称音变一般被认为是儿化韵的残留。然而,我们对武汉方言的小称音变之语音结构以及语意进行实地考察及探索,提出武汉方言的小称音变现象极有可能为鼻音尾/鼻化小称的残余,而非一般认为的「类儿化音变」。 武汉方言的音变特点是只发生在有韵尾的字,分别是 [i]、[u]、[n]、[ŋ]四个韵尾。在音变形式中,本音的韵尾丢失,而核心韵母的音质则略为修改并且有中和的现象。我们采用曹逢甫(2006)汉语方言鼻音尾/鼻化小称语法化輪回的架构,論证武汉方言的小称音变应该是由鼻音尾 –n 的加缀所引起;此外,-n 的加缀还导致词干音节结构的改变以及元音趋同为前中元音 [Ɛ] 及后中元音 [Ɔ]。 曹逢甫(2006)汉语方言鼻音尾/鼻化小称语法化輪回的架构提到,当鼻音尾/鼻化小称词虚化到成为一种残留的现象时,会发展出固定的小称调。像这样在原本的小称词虚化后,以变调做为补偿的例子,也可以在武汉方言里发现。 基于以上几项论证我们很有理由相信在多少年前武汉方言应有一段很长的时间具有鼻音尾小称词 –n。这个鼻音尾小称, 跟现代吴方言的鼻音尾小称一样,后来都经验了词干韵尾取代、鼻化韵母形成、鼻化韵母合并、声调合并以及去鼻化韵的阶段。而目前残留的例外字正是演化过程不同阶段所留下的语言「化石」。

Subject Keywords 关键词

Wuhan dialect 武汉方言 Diminutive rime change 小称音变 R-suffixation 类儿化音变 Diminutive nasal ending/nasalization 鼻音尾/鼻化小称词 Vowel convergence 元音趋同 Diminutive forms 小称调

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