An analysis of the patterns for semantic change of negators in Southern Min dialects (in Chinese)
试析闽南方言常用否定词语义演变的模式 (中文文章)

Xu Binbin 许彬彬

Abstract 摘要
Most of the monosyllabic negators in Southern Min dialects have maintained their usages from ancient Chinese. Some of them, however, have undergone unique semantic changes, such as shift to a different part of speech and grammaticalization depending on geographical distribution. Semantic cross-linking led to concatenations while used in context. The polysyllabic negators also reflect geographical characteristics. Overall, this article classifies the negators into three groups: Coastal Min, Inland Min, and Island Min types. This article attempts also to explain the motivations for the patterns of their semantic changes: language itself, subjective, and objective worlds.


Subject Keywords 主题词

Southern Min dialects 闽南方言 Negator 否定词 Semantic change 语义演变 Change of grammatical category 转类 Grammaticalization 虚化 Linguistic factors 语言因素

Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series (ISSN 2409-2878), Number 26 (2016): 126-141
Copyright © 2016 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.

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