Language evolution, by exaptation, with the mind leading

Salikoko S. Mufwene

Abstract 摘要
It has usually been claimed that language is what makes humans uniquely human. However, I submit that it is the mind as a general problem-solving capacity for adaptations to current ecological pressures that makes humans uniquely humans. Non-linguistic communication may have provided part of the ecological niche for the emergence of languages, having predisposed hominines to pay attention to each other and to read each other’s mind. The same mind that produced all these new developments (in particular complex social life and a richer cognitive capacity) also enabled hominines to develop languages as communication technologies.


Keywords 关键词

Language evolution 语言演化 Exaptation 扩展适应 Culture 文化 Ontogeny 个体发生学 Phylogeny 群体发生学

Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series (ISSN 2409-2878), Number 27 (2017): 159-190
Copyright © 2017 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.

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