A study on tone emergence based on phoneme load
Jiangping Kong 孔江平

Abstract 摘要
The emergence of tone has always been a key and difficult point in the study of historical linguistics. Based on people's language cognitive abilities and the basic laws of phonemes, this paper has developed a method to calculate the phoneme structure load. Using this method, the phoneme loads of thir-ty-two tonal languages and five non-tonal dialects of Chinese, Tibetan and Tibeto-Burman were calculated. Based on this, the information standard of tone emergence in living spoken language has been proposed. At the same time, the phoneme loads of reconstructive languages by Li (1980), Wang (1956, 2010), Guo (2010), Zhengzhang (2003), Baxter and Sagart (2014), and the phoneme load of Chen and Qiu (1008) were calculated. According to the result of phoneme loads, we found that the tone emergence in the recon-structed languages and Guangyun do not accord with people’s cognitive abilities of spoken language.

声调的涌现一直是历史语言学研究的一个重点和难点。本文基于人的语言认知能力和音位的基本规律,发展出了一种计算音位结构负担量的方法。利用这种方法,计算了汉语、藏语和藏缅语32种有声调语言和5种藏语无声调方言的音位负担量,以此为基础,提出了在活的口语中声调涌现的信息量标准。同时还计算李方桂(Li 1980)、王力(Wang 1956, 2010)和郭锡良(Guo 2010)、郑张尚芳(Zhengzhang 2003)、白一平和萨加尔(Baxter and Sagart 2014) 等6种构拟语言和《广韵》(Chen and Qiu 1008)的音位负担量,根据音位负担量的计算结果,我们发现构拟语言和《广韵》中的声调都不符合人们口语的认知能力,它包含了太多的冗余信息,不是古代一个活的语言的音位系统。

Subject Keywords 主题词

Phoneme load 音位负担量 Tones in Sino-Tibetan languages 汉藏语声调 Tone emergence 声调涌现 Tone reconstruction 声调构拟

Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series (ISSN 2409-2878), Number 29 (2019): 224-241
Copyright © 2019 Journal of Chinese Linguistices. All rights reserved.

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