The Computational Models of the BehaviorTran English-Chinese Machine Translation System
BehavoirTran 英文机译系统之计算式 
Keh-Yih Su 苏克毅; Jing-Shin Chang 张景新; Jong-Nae Wang 王重乃; Emma Chang 张玉玫; Ming-Wen Wu 吴铭文

Abstract 摘要
In this paper, the corpus-based statistics-oriented (CBSO) design philosophy of the BehaviorTran Machine Translation System is presented. The general features of BehaviorTran are briefly described. The problems encountered in rule-based system and purely statistical approaches are raised, while the necessity and feasibility of CBSO MT are demonstrated. Furthermore, some CBSO related researches explored in BehaviorTran, including probabilistic translation model, score function, probabilistic transfer and generation models, and feedback-controlled model for MT tuning, are also reviewed.

本文详述 BehavoirTran 机器翻译系统所采行的 [语料为本,统计导向] (CBSO, Corpus-Based Statistics-Oriented) 的设计理念。我们将简略地介绍 BehavoirTran 的一些特色。并说明在研发过程中,所发现的一些规则式系统及纯统计式系统的问题。由于这些问题使得大型机器翻译系统不易发展及维护,也不易延伸至不同的语言,及适应不同的使用者。因此我们发展出 [语料为本,统计导向] 的设计理念。本文将阐述此一理念在发展大型实用化系统的必要性及可行性。同时介绍基于此一理念所获致的一些研究成果。包括统计式的机器翻译模式,分析模块的评分寒暑,统计式转换暨生成模式,参数控制式的回馈控制模式,及双向式翻译知识抽取模式等技术。

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