Major Cancer Workshop on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Opening of Cancer Symposium
and Cheque Presentation
The 10th Annual Scientific
Symposium of the Hong Kong
Cancer Institute held in conjunction
with the 2nd Pan Pacific Lung
Cancer Conference

The opening ceremony of the Ninth Annual Scientific Symposium of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute, 'Anti-Cancer Drug Development: From Bench to Bedside to Market' took place on 19th March 2004 at the Postgraduate Education Centre of the Prince of Wales Hospital.
The two-day event is organized annually by the Hong Kong Cancer Institute to provide a forum for cancer experts worldwide to examine the latest developments in cancer treatment.

Held in conjunction with ceremony was the presentation of a cheque to the institute, the amount of which was raised by members, friends, and supporters of the University at the Round-the-CU-Walkathon held in February 2003 when the 40th anniversary celebrations were kicked off. All the money will be spent on cancer research.

Dr. Edgar Cheng, chairman of the University Council, and Prof. Ambrose King, vice-chancellor of the University, officiated at the ceremony. Prof. Sydney Chung, dean of medicine, received the donation on behalf of the Hong Kong Cancer Institute. Prizes were also presented to the two winning teams — the Chung Chi College Team for having the largest number of walkers and the Hang Seng Bank Team for raising the highest amount of donations.     Copyright © 2016 The Hong Kong Cancer Institute. All rights reserved.                         Privacy Policy | Disclaimer