

中央研究院數理科學組李克昭院士現任中央研究院統計科學研究所特聘研究員,專長包括數理統計、高維數據及生物資訊。李院士曾獲得ICSA傑出成就獎等多個學術榮譽,並為世界科學院院士,致力為統計學作出貢獻。李院士於2012年當選中央研究院院士。 李院士曾任職於普渡大學及加州大學洛杉磯分校,現為國立台灣大學數學系合聘教授。他於國立台灣大學獲得學士學位,並於美國加州大學柏克萊分校獲得碩士及博士學位。

Prof. Li Ker-Chau from Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, AS is currently the Distinguished Research Fellow of Institute of Statistical Science, AS. Specialties of Prof. Li include Mathematical statistics, High dimensional Data Analysis and Bioinformatics. Prof. Li has achieved various academic awards including Distinguished Achievement Award from ICSA. He is also the Academician of the World Academy of Science. Prof. Li was elected the Academician of AS in 2012.
Prof. Li has once served at the Statistics Department of Purdue University of UCLA. He is now the Joint Professor at Mathematics Department of National Taiwan University. He received his Bachelor Degree at National Taiwan University, and pursued his PhD degree at University of California, Berkeley.



中央研究院數理科學組牟中原院士現任國立台灣大學化學系教授,專長包括非均相觸媒、孔洞材料、奈米生物醫學及統計力學。牟院士曾獲得中國化學會學術獎章及世界科學院化學獎等多個學術榮譽,致力貢獻於化學研究。牟院士於2016年當選中央研究院院士。 牟院士曾任職於美國奧勒崗大學及普渡大學,現為教育部國立教育研究院籌備處《自然與生活科技領域部編本教科書》研發編輯委員會主任委員及行政院國家科學委員會副主任委員。他於國立臺灣大學化學系取得學士學位,並在美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學取得博士學位。

Prof. Mou Chung-Yuan from Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, AS is currently the Professor of Department of Chemistry at National Taiwan University.Specialties of Prof. Mou include Heterogeneous Catalysis, Chemistry in Confined Space, Statistical Mechanics and Biomedical Application of Nanoporous Materials. Prof. Mou has achieved various academic awards including Chemistry Medal from Chinese Chemical Society and TWAS Chemistry Award. Being a devoted chemist, Prof. Mou was elected the Academician of AS in 2016.
Prof. Mou has once served at the University of Oregon. He is now the trustee of the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center. Prof. Mou received his Bachelor Degree at National Taiwan University and PhD degree from Washington University, St Louis



中央研究院數理科學組劉太平院士現任中央研究院數學研究所客座講座,專長包括非線性偏微方程及應用、震波理論及計算數學。劉院士曾於主要國際學術期刊發表重要文章,並為世界科學院院士,致力貢獻於數學研究。劉院士於1992年當選中央研究院院士。 劉院士曾任職於馬里蘭大學及紐約大學,並為美國史丹福大學數學系榮休教授。他於國立台灣大學獲得學士學位,並分別於美國奧瑞岡州立大學及美國密西根大學獲得碩士及博士學位。

Prof. Liu Tai-Ping from Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, AS is currently the Distinguished Visiting Chair of Institute of Mathematics, AS. Specialties of Prof. Liu include Partial Differential Equators, Shock Wave Theory and Kinetic Theory. Prof. Liu, who is highly dedicated to the research in Mathematic, has published numerous influential papers in top international academic journals. He is also the Academician of the World Academy of Science. Prof. Liu was elected the Academician of AS in 1992.
Prof. Liu has once contributed at the University of Maryland and New York University. He is now the Professor Emeritus at Department of Mathematics, Stanford University. Prof. Liu received his Bachelor Degree at National Taiwan University, Master Degree at Oregon State University and pursued further studies at the University of Michigan where he received his PhD degree.