

江安世發明生物組織澄清技術,以超高解析顯微影像建構果蠅全腦神經網路連結體,發現長期記憶儲存於特定神經網路的單一腦神經細胞。於2016年國際神經科學年會主席特邀講座,他倡議要建構人體全身神經連結體。江院士於2014年當選為中央研究院院士,曾獲得世界科學院院士、教育部國家講座,現為教育部學術審查委員會生命科學小組召集人。江院士為國立中興大學學士、國立臺灣大學碩士、美國羅格斯大學博士,現為美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM)的國際學者。

Academician Ann-Shyn Chiang from the Division of Life Science, Academia Sinica, is currently the Dean of the College of Life Science, the Director of Brain Research Center, and the Distinguished Chair Professor of National Tsing Hua University. His research field covers brain science, neurogenetics, animal behavior and microscopic bioimaging.
Prof. Chiang invented the hydrophilic tissue clearing technology for reconstructing a connectome of the Drosophila brain at super resolution; he also found memory storage in single brain neurons. At his Presidential Special Lecture in the Society for Neuroscience 2016 Annual Meeting, he advocated anatomical reconstruction for the whole-body connectomics. Prof. Chiang has been elected as an Academician of Academia Sinica (2014), a fellow of The World Academy of Science and recipient of the National Chair Award of Ministry of Education. He is also the chairman of the academic review board for life science of the Ministry of Education. He acquired BS from National Chung Hsing University, MS from National Taiwan University and received his PhD degree from Rutgers University in USA, and has been the adjunct International Faculty of Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) at the University of California, San Diego, since 2011.



杜經寧院士於1968年獲哈佛大學應用物理學博士學位。隨後進國際機器公司(IBM)華生研究中心工作25年,曾任三級主管,負責電子薄膜材料基本研究。於1993年轉加州大學洛杉磯分校任正教授,至2016年以榮譽教授從材料工程學系及電機工程學系退休。現任國立交通大學台積電講座教授,從事奈米銅導線之研究。曾獲美國物理學會、材料學會、金屬學會及英國劍橋大學邱吉爾學院海外會士(fellow),得美國金屬學會John Bardeen獎,IEEE CPMT獎及德國紅寶( Humboldt ) 資深學者獎。在2002年選入台灣中央研究院院士。於2004年出版教科書 ”Electronic Thin Film Reliability”, Cambridge University Press, 和2014年 “Kinetics in Nanoscales Materials”, Wiley.

Prof. Tu King Ning received his PhD degree in Applied Physics from Harvard University in 1968.  He spent 25 years at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as Research Staff Member in Physical Science Department.  During that period, he also served as Senior Manager of Thin Film Science Department and Materials Science Department for 10 years.  In July 1993, he joined UCLA.  He was Distinguished Professor in Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering and also Dept. of Electrical Engineering at UCLA until June 2016.  He is now TSMC Chair Professor in National Chiao Tung University in Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC. He is a Fellow of APS, TMS, MRS, and an Overseas Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge University, UK.  He was president of MRS in 1981. He received the 2013 John Bardeen Award of TMS EMPM Division, and 2017 IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Award.  He is an academician of Academia Sinica.  He has over 500 journal publications with citation over 22,000 and h-factor of 77.  His textbook on “Electronic Thin Film Reliability” was published by Cambridge University Press in 2011. He co-authors with Prof. Andriy M. Gusak, Ukraine, a textbook on “Kinetics in Nanoscale Materials” published by Wiley in 2014.  His research interests are in metal-silicon reactions, solder joint reactions, electromigration, and kinetic theories of interfacial reactions.