



杜江峰院士是中國科學院院士、中國科學技術大學教授、教育部長江學者特聘教授、國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者、國家重大科學研究計劃項目首席科學家、首批國家萬人計劃「中青年科技創新領軍人才」入選者及新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選。2000年獲中國科學技術大學理學博士學位。長期從事量子物理及其應用的實驗研究,是國際上自旋量子計算和模擬、量子精密測量實驗研究方面有突出貢獻的學者之一,在包括Nature(2篇)、Science(2篇)、Nature Physics(1篇)、Nature Communications(6篇)和Phys. Rev. Lett.(29篇)在內的國際學術期刊上發表論文150餘篇,SCI他引2900餘次。成果多次入選中國十大科技進展新聞、中國科學十大進展、中國高校十大科技進展。曾獲得國家自然科學二等獎(2012年度)、中國物理學會黃昆物理獎(2010-2011年度)、教育部自然科學一等獎(2011年度)、周光召基金會「基礎科學獎」(2016年)、中國分析測試協會科學技術獎特等獎(2015年)等獎項。




Dr. Xiaofeng Cao is a Professor of Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is a co-director of the Centre of Excellence for Plant and Microbial Science (CEPAMS), jointly established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and John Innes Centre (JIC, UK). Dr. Cao obtained her BSc and MSc degree in Biochemistry from Peking University in 1988 and China Agricultural University in 1991, respectively. She received her PhD in Molecular Biology from Peking University in 1997. During her postdoctoral training, she worked with Dr. John Rogers at the Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University and subsequently worked with Prof. Steve Jacobsen at UCLA, where she initiated her studies on plant epigenetics. In 2003, Dr. Cao was awarded “Young Talented Investigator Award” in China and took up a professorship at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. The Cao lab uses rice and Arabidopsis as models to investigate the epigenetic control of plant development, genome stability and stress response, particularly plant adaptation to low or high temperature. Dr. Cao has received many awards including “China Young Female Scientists Awards, 2010”, “National Outstanding Scientist Awards, 2010” and “DuPont Young Professor Award, 2008”. She is an editor for several leading journals including “The Plant Cell” and “Current Opinion in Plant Biology”, and is Associate Editor-in-Chief for “Science China Life Sciences”. She was elected a member (Academician) of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015, a member of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) in 2016.