ICARE orientation booklet_english version - page 4-5

At CUHK, the I·CARE Programme is committed to promote social and civic engagement and personal
growth in students. Through various cultural and social activities, students are given chances to think about
life and serve the communities. Aside from the I·CARE Programme, CUHK also offers an array of social and
civic engagement projects organised by colleges, administrative and service departments, academic units,
as well as student associations. We wish to introduce you to these possibilities of connecting with society,
and hope that you’ll choose one of them to make it your sixth ‘must-do’ in college.
We encourage social and civic engagement because we are members of our society. In 2015’s Hong Kong,
ignorance is no longer bliss. But isn’t what perplexes us exactly what perplexes our community? Hence, to
understand society is in fact to understand ourselves. To contribute to society, then, is to actively engage
ourselves in creating the future.
We hope CUHK will be your starting point for such engagement.
Do take a step forward.
Having tackled exams after exams, you’re finally here – at the door of the university, with
a brand new student ID card in hand, ready to take that one step forward. Perhaps you’re
wondering: just what lies beyond the door?
Some say there are five things that you must do in college: studying, becoming a committee member of a
student association, experiencing hall life, taking up a part-time job and dating. There are also cheap meals,
uniforms for PE class, school buses, a hill, and a yet-to-be-landfilled harbour. Post orientation camps, you’ll
know all about ‘Four Seven’, ‘Dem Beat’ and countless so-called ‘traditions’.
In the vibrant hill town of CUHK, possibilities abound.
Yet, we’d like to give you one more option to enrich your college life. As all the exciting orientation events
come to an end, you may find yourself faced with confusion, struggles and even conflicts when it comes to
your studies, life and society. So here, we want to plan your next four years in advance with you.
What should be on your plan to enrich your university life? Connecting with society.
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