IBCE Students Attending Career Highlights Workshop on Financial industry

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The first career highlights workshop for GBS/IBCE students was held on 10th November, 2016. GLOBErs and IBCErs are so fortunate to have the devoted alumni from the financial industry- Alan Yip (GBS/2013), Howard Yeung (GBS/2014), Selina Cheng (IBCE/2014), Eric Kwan (IBCE/2015) and Boris Ng (GBS/2014)- sparing time from their busy schedules to introduce the industry, their respective duties, and the essential qualities needed for their positions to the juniors. 

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The workshop covers not only investment banking and commercial banking, but also trading, brokering and investment house. It certainly provides current GLOBErs and IBCErs with much understanding on the industry, as well as valuable insights in selecting their career paths.