提供訊息須知 About posting announcements

作為一所翻譯研究學術組織 RCT的翻譯研究資源提供免費公告服務,方便學術界的同業發放有關翻譯研究的新聞和訊息。我們歡迎本地或海外機構提供學術會議、研討會、徵稿、資助、招生、獎項、獎學金、徵才等訊息。


As part of our effort to serve the Translation Studies academic community, RCT Translation Studies Resources provides a free announcement service for disseminating relevant news and information. We welcome postings from local and foreign institutions on conferences, workshops, calls for papers, grants, learning and research opportunities, awards, scholarships, recruitment and other items of interest.

When posting announcements please note:

1. 翻譯研究中心("RCT")接受本地及國外學術機構提供任何與翻譯研究有關的訊息。
Research Centre for Translation (RCT) accepts announcements relating to Translation Studies from local and overseas academic institutions.

2. 提供訊息者必須隸屬相關訊息的主辦單位或出版機構。
Contributors must be affiliated with the organization or publisher mentioned in the announcements.

3. RCT不接受商業廣告或個別人士宣傳個人研究成果的訊息。
RCT does not accept advertisements, commercial promotions or postings relating to personal achievement.

4. RCT有權拒絕刊登與翻譯研究無關或內容不當(如涉及歧視)的訊息。
RCT reserves the right to reject off-topic or inappropriate (e.g. discriminatory) announcements.

5, RCT不會編輯或校對訊息內容。提供訊息前請確保內容正確無誤。
RCT neither edits nor proofreads the content of the announcements. Please ensure the information provided is accurate before posting.

6. 翻譯研究訊息每月10日截稿,以及於15日更新。每月10日以後收到的訊息,將撥往下一個月份刊登。
The closing date for posting requests is the 10th of every month. The postings will be updated on the 15th. Any announcements received after the 10th will be postponed to the next round of updates.

7. 如有任何查詢,請與網站管理員聯絡。
Please contact the web administrator if you have any queries.


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香港中文大學翻譯研究中心2013版權所有 Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved.
Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
香港中文大學 中國文化研究所