Cai Yanpei (Tsai Yim Pui, Rebell) 1935-

Born in Guangzhou, Cai came to Hong Kong in 1938 and graduated from the National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan in 1965, when Modernist poetry was a hot subject of debate. In his poetry Cai expresses his sympathy for the lower class. He was the editor of Shi duo 詩朵 [Poetry buds] and an editor of The Chinese Student Weekly 中國學生周報, and also the editor of Ming Pao 明報 literary supplement (1966–1994). His publications include Xiao shi sanjuan 小詩三卷 [Short poems in three volumes] (1978), Bianzhong de hongdou 變種的紅豆 [Mutant red beans] (1984) and Zhongguo shijian 中國時間 [China time] (1996).
