Kun Nan [real name K. N. Shum 岑崑南) 1935-

Born in Hong Kong, Kun Nan co-founded the Modernist Shi duo 詩朵 [Poetry buds] at the age of twenty. Within a decade he launched two other Modernist magazines, New Currents Bimonthly 新思潮 (1959) and Modern Edition 好望角 (1963). He was an editor at Oriental Daily 東方日報, Sing Pao 成報 and Hong Kong Economic Times 經濟日報. His works include the poetry collection Wen, chuang shiji de guanmian 吻,創世紀的冠冕 [Kiss, the crown of genesis] (1955) and the novel Di de men 地的門 [The entrance to the earth] (1961). His latest publication is Shi dadiao 詩大調 [Poetry major] (2006).
