A l u m n i    n e w s

CU Alumni Homecoming 2005 – College Head’s Dinner

The University welcomed alumni back to their alma mater on March 5 this year. A College Head’s Dinner was held in the evening where traditional clay pot meals were served to close to 100 alumni at the Shaw College Student Canteen. College Head Professor P.C. Ching and President of the Shaw College Alumni Association Ms. Venus Liu (Chemistry 1991) extended a warm welcome to all attending alumni, staff and students and appealed to them for continuous support towards the College.

Preceding the dinner, an opening ceremony of the Shaw College Alumni Association Office at Kuo Mou Hall was held at Dr. Tan Siu-lin Terrace. Officiating guests included the College Head Professor P.C. Ching, President of the College Alumni Association Ms. Venus Liu, and Professor Ngai Ngan-pun, Chairman of the College Alumni Affairs Committee.

Shaw College Annual Mentorship Programme and Alumni Career Talk 2005

Co-organized by the College Alumni Affairs Committee, Mentorship Programme Committee and Shaw College Alumni Association, the College’s Annual Mentorship Programme and Alumni Career Talk received an enthusiastic audience of 50 alumni and current students at the Butterfield’s, Taikoo Place, on April 2, 2005.

Speaking on the topic “Entrepreneurial Wisdom - insights for a successful career in business and beyond”, the talk featured keynote speaker Mr. Ricky Wong, co-founder and Chairman of City Telecom (HK) Ltd., and two Shaw alumni guest speakers, namely, Mr. Tim Yu (PSY 99), founder of the search engine Timway.com, and Mr. Arden Wong (BBA 91), natural medicine practitioner and Director of Arden Wong Natural Medicine Centre. All speakers shared candidly their joys and woes of being an entrepreneur and provided the eager audience with sound advice (and a few laughs) on how to become successful in business.

Recruiting Alumni Soccer Team Members

Shaw College Alumni Association (SCAA) is recruiting soccer team members. Regular monthly practices will be held. Interested parties please contact SCAA exco member Mr. Dio Lam (CEG 1995). Tel.: 9627 1767, email dio999@gmail.com.
Keep in Touch

The CUHK Alumni Affairs Office has established a database of alumni details. If you have moved or changed job, please feel free to update your information through below website: http://www.alumni.cuhk.edu.hk/eng/contact/index.html.
An email directory for alumni to find their missing classmates has also been created: http://www.alumni.cuhk.edu.hk/eng/contact/directory.html.