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    Discovering The Pearl

    A Green Valley Enveloping a Pearl

    Time¡¦s quick accretions
    cling on dampened rock.

    The ragged cradle
    of the valley¡¦s slopes
    protects this college,
    a renaissance pearl,
    that¡¦s held in mist-moist
    leaves of shiny jade.

    These are new found stones,
    where we live and work
    high on the mountain,
    where the famous bird
    nests in morning mist.

    The college nurtures friendliness and thought,
    two bright jewels of the scholar¡¦s mind.

    Jungle foliage
    hides inhabitants
    and some makeshift shacks.
    Students, dare to think
    the needful future
    of our perilous world.

    Energy and hope
    spread warmth like fire
    across the yellow sky,
    that nacreous shell, prized
    open above Shaw¡¦s white pearl.

    Life¡¦s inspired questions
    thrive and grow right here.
