

香港中文大學聯合書院二零零五至二零零六年第二位「到訪傑出學人」為美國加州理工大學政治學講座教授歐德修(Peter C Ordeshook),他將於三月十九日至卅一日到訪香港。

歐德修教授先後於麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)及羅徹斯特大學(University of Rochester)取得工程學學士及政治學博士學位。一九六八年,他在卡內基美隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University)開展事業,研究在選舉機構、法案決策及談判分析中應用「博弈理論」(Game Theory)的不同方法。其後,歐德修教授於一九八三年及一九八七年分別轉到德州大學及加州理工大學,從事國際政治理論分析及新興民主國家憲制設計原則的研究工作

歐德修教授為美國國家科學院(American Academy of Sciences)成員及公共選擇學會(Public Choice Society)前任主席。他的著作甚豐,計有八本書及過百篇學術文章,其中包括《博奕理論與政治理論》、《新民主政體公民必讀課》、《投票、選舉和政黨》、《社會網絡蘊含的時間參數》、《設計聯邦主義》、《國際體系的權力平衡》及《啟蒙政治理論》。其他著作涉獵的範疇包括如何應用政治分析的實驗方法、法案投票的交易、替補選舉法律的影響、國際體系穩定與動盪的原由、民主進程中資訊的角色及理性期望的含義、孫子兵法的博奕理論支架、合作性博奕理論及政黨與投票的空間分析等。



第一講:新興民主國家憲制設計的理論基(Theoretical Underpinnings of Constitutiona Design for New Democracies)三月廿三日(星期四)下午四時卅分

第二講:博奕理論在政治學上的應用及誤用(The Uses and Misuses of Game Theory in Political Science) 三月廿八日(星期二)下午四時卅分

以上講座均以英文主講,地點為香港中文大學聯合書院鄭棟材樓地下C1講室。歡迎各界人士踴躍出席。查詢請電香港中文大學聯合書院林偉源先生2609 7598。


2005-06 United College Distinguished Visiting Scholar – Professor Peter C Ordeshook

Professor Peter C Ordeshook, Professor of Political Science, California Institute of Technology (CalTech), will visit United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, between 19 to 31 March 2006 as the College’s second Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2005-2006.

Professor Ordeshook received his BS in Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and PhD in Political Science from the University of Rochester.  He began his career in 1968 at Carnegie Mellon University studying the different ways in which formal analysis – most notably, game theory – could be applied to such issues as the analysis of electoral institutions, legislative decision making, and bargaining. Upon moving to the University of Texas in 1983 and CalTech in 1987, his attention shifted somewhat to modeling the dynamics of international processes and to attempting to discover whether one can set forth any basic principles of constitutional design for new democracies.

As a member of the American Academy of Sciences and past president of the Public Choice Society, Professor Ordeshook is the author of eight books and over a hundred scholarly papers, including “Game Theory and Political Theory”, “Lessons for Citizens of a New Democracy”, “Voting, Elections and Parties”, “Endogenous Time Preferences in Social Networks”, “Designing Federalism”, “The Balance of Power in International Systems”, and “A Political Theory Primer”.  His published essays cover such subjects as the application of experimental methods to political analysis, legislative vote trading, the impact of alternative election laws, the sources of stability and instability in international systems, the role of information and the implication of rational expectations in democratic processes, the game-theoretic underpinnings of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, cooperative game theory, and the spatial analysis of parties and voting.

Professor Ordeshook’s recent research includes developing an evolutionary game theoretic model of individual time preferences, which is a critical parameter of individual choice in understanding the likelihood of social cooperation and the durability of contracts, as well as an ongoing study of econometric methods for detecting and measuring the extent of electoral fraud.

During his visit to United College, Professor Ordeshook will deliver two public lectures.  The details are as follows:

Lecture One:  Theoretical Underpinnings of Constitutional Design for New Democracies Thursday, 23 March 2006, 4:30pm

Lecture Two: The Uses and Misuses of Game Theory in Political Science Tuesday, 28 March 2006, 4:30pm

The lectures will be in English and held at Lecture Theatre C1, T C Cheng Building, United College, CUHK.  For further information, please contact Mr George Lam of United College on 2609 7598.