

二零零六年聯合書院新生輔導營定於八月廿三至廿六日在書院校園舉行,主題為「聯合盛勢」,喻意今年為書院五十周年金禧院慶,象徵著一個強盛的新紀元。籌委會希望透過四日三夜的活動,令新生感受到聯合書院氣勢強盛的一面,並以身為光輝聯合人而感到自豪。與此同時,亦希望新生能發掘個人的潛能,一展所長,培養對書院的歸屬感,團結一心,共同寫下書院「盛勢」的新一頁。查詢請致電9673 7782與輔導營籌委會主席蕭嘉瑜同學聯絡。


Orientation Camp

The 2006 United College Orientation Camp will be held on the College campus from 23 to 26 August 2006.  The theme of the camp is "United Era". It represents the strength of United College in its 50th Anniversary year and aims at helping freshmen to experience the powerful and prosperous vigor of the United College, and to develop a stronger sense of belongings to the College. It is hoped that they would be proud of being a 'Glorious United Man'. For further information, please contact Miss Flora Siu, chairperson of the Orientation Camp Organizing Committee at 9673 7782.





查詢請致電2609 7570與學生輔導處林偉源先生或何惠芬女士聯絡。


2006/2007 UC Orientation Ceremony

The 2006/2007 UC Orientation Ceremony will be held on Friday, 8 September 2006 at 1:30pm at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall.  All UC members are invited to join the College in welcoming this year's freshmen.

Staff members are also invited to attend the Luncheon prior to the Ceremony at 12 noon at the UC Staff Common room. Shuttle buses will be arranged to take staff members to Sir Run Run Shaw Hall for the Ceremony and return.

For further information feel free to contact Mr George Lam or Ms Kitty Ho at 2609 7570.






UC student wins Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Scholarship

Mr Yeung Yun Pong, a second year Integrated BBA Programme student of United College, is one of the winners of this year's Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Scholarship.  Mr Yeung has been awarded AUD$5000 in support of his one-year exchange programme at the University of South Australia.   

Our heartiest congratulations to Mr Yeung!



《聯合校刊》乃書院每年出版一次之重要刊物。《聯合校刊》除記載書院名錄、學生生活及當年大事外,亦刊登員生著作,以豐富內容及提高趣味性。二零零五至二零零六年度 (第六十二期)《聯合校刊》編輯委員會現向各教職員、同學及校友徵稿,來稿可以中文或英文撰寫,題材及類別不限,字數約二千至二千五百字為合。

來稿請於九月九日前送交書院出版委員會秘書陸敏兒女士。查詢請致電2609 8654與陸敏兒女士聯絡。


Calling for Articles for the 62nd United Bulletin

The United Bulletin is an annual publication of the College. Apart from being an official chronicle of College personalia, student and staff activities and major College events, it also includes outstanding literary and academic work of staff and students of the College. The College Publication Committee is now inviting articles for the 62nd issue of the United

Bulletin (2005-2006) from members of the College. Articles should be about 2000 - 2500 words in length and can be either in English or Chinese. There is no restriction on the format and style of the article.

Please forward your article to Ms Amy Luk, Secretary of the College Publications Committee on or before 9 September 2006. For further information feel free to contact Ms Amy Luk on 2609 8654.