


書院教職員聯誼會及書院環境委員會 ─ 植樹同樂日


由書院教職員聯誼會及書院環境委員會辦的「植樹同樂日」將於二零零七年四月二十八日(星期六) 下午十二時四十五分至七時舉行。行程包括由嘉道理農場暨植物園工作人員指導下於大帽山植樹及大埔林村風味晚餐。費用為每位二十元 (不包括晚餐開支),來往專車、部份活動費用及抽獎由聯合書院教職員聯誼會贊助。報名及查詢請致電林煒婷小姐2696 1750。



Staff Association and Environment Committee ─Tree Planting Day


The Tree Planting Day co-organized by the College Staff Association and Environment Committee will be held on 28 April 2007 (Saturday) from 12:45 to 7:00pm. Itinerary includes tree planting activity guided by Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Staff at Tai Mo Shan and dinner at Lam Tsuen, Tai Po. Fee is $20 per person (excluding dinner). Shuttle bus, lucky draw and part of the expenses are sponsored by the College Staff Association. For reservation or enquiries please contact Ms Vivian Lam at 2696 1750.





二零零七至二零零八年度(7/2007 – 6/2008)書院學生校園培訓及服務獎勵計劃第一輪撥款將接受申請。該計劃旨在協助學生獲得經濟奬勵及工作經驗。輔導處將於五月十六日寄發申請資料予本院教職員。如有查詢,請聯絡學生輔導處彭詠芯女士2609 7562或陳鄧翠怡女士2609 8657。截止申請日期為二零零七年五月三十一日,結果將於六月底前知會各申請人。



Student Campus Training and Service Award Scheme for 2007/2008


Applications are now invited for the first-round allocation of the UC Student Campus Training and Service Award Scheme for 2007/2008   (7/2007 – 6/2008). The Scheme aims to provide financial award to UC students and to help them gain some working experiences. Details of application will be dispatched to College members on 16 May 2007. For enquiries, please contact Ms Sam Pang (Tel: 2609 7562) or Mrs Eastre Chan (Tel: 2609 8657) of the Dean of Students’ Office, United College. Completed application forms should be submitted by 31 May 2007. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications by the end of June 2007.