





The Young Researcher Award 2008


College member, Professor Zhao Yuhong, Faculty of Law, won the Young Researcher Award 2008. An award presentation ceremony was held on 1 June 2009.


Our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Zhao!






The Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award 2008


College alumnus, Professor Leung Kwok-nam of Faculty of Science won the Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award 2008. An award presentation ceremony was held on 1 June 2009 .


Our warmest congratulations to Professor Leung!





歡迎本院教員於本院網頁http://www2.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/eng/calendar/event_detail.php?id=745&Y=2009&M=06  下載計劃詳情及申請表格。




查詢請致電2609 8654或2609 7580與本院陸敏兒女士或鄭佩純女士聯絡。

United College International Conference Grant Scheme and Resident Fellow Scheme 2009-10


The first round of application for the College International Conference Grant Scheme and Resident Fellow Scheme 2009-10 is now open for application. The closing date will be 31 July 2009. The outcome will be announced by late August.


For scheme details and application form, please download at College Webpage: http://www2.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/eng/calendar/event_detail.php?id=745&Y=2009&M=06

Successful applicants are requested to submit a report to the Committee on Cultural Interchange and Research after attending the international conferences or research collaboration with the resident fellows. 


For enquiries, please call Ms Amy M Y Luk or Ms Carol P S Cheng at 2609 8654 or 2609 7580.




United College Staff Association 2008-09 Farewell Dinner


The College Staff Association organised a Farewell Dinner on 5 June 2009 in honour of this years' retiring/departing members of the College. Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head, and Professor Barley Mak, Chairperson of UC Staff Association, presented souvenirs to Professor Chu Hung-lam, Department of History and Dr Ben Y F Fong, University Health Service. Thirty-five staff members joined this event.






College Member Visited MIT with CUHK Delegation


CUHK Vice-Chancellor, Professor Lawrence J Lau led a delegation to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on 1 May 2009. College member, Professor Helen M L Meng, Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Engineering was one of the delegates.



1) 訪問研究學人中國農科院食用菌研究所鮑大鵬教授於2009年5月25日至8月24日蒞院訪問,與本院生物系關海山教授進行學術研究。


2) 訪問研究學人復旦大學公共衛生學院何永華教授2009年6月10日至9月9日蒞院訪問,與本院社   區及家庭醫學系余德新教授進行學術研究。


Report on Resident Fellow Scheme


1) Professor Bao Dapeng from Shanghai Academic of     Agricultural Science, Edible Fungi Institute, PRC visited the College as resident fellow from 25 May to 24 August 2009 to conduct research with Professor Kwan Hoi-shan from Department of Biology.


2) Professor He Yonghua from School of Public Health, Fudan University, PRC visited the College as resident fellow from 10 June to 9 September 2009 to conduct research with Professor Ignatius T S Yu from Department of Community and Family Medicine.






1)   生物系關海山教授於2009年3月17日至22日,出席在美國加州舉行之第二十五屆真菌遺傳學會會議,並發表論文一篇。


2)   心理學系王茜教授於2009年4月2 日至4日,出席在美國科羅拉多州舉行之兒童發展研究協會雙年會會議,並發表論文一篇。


3)   那打素護理學院周柏珍教授於2009年4月23 日至25日,出席在美國華盛頓舉行之2009年心血管疾病和中風護理質素及結果研究會議,並發表論文一篇。


4)   社會學系同鈺塋教授於2009年4月29日至5月2日,出席在美國密西根州舉行之美國人口學年會會議,並發表論文一篇。


5)   地理與資源管理學系林健枝教授於2009年5月17日至22日,出席在加納阿克拉舉行之29屆國際環境影響評估學會年會會議,並發表論文一篇。


6)   社會工作學系劉玉琼教授於2009年5月24日至26日,出席在加拿大艾伯塔舉行之在處境中的家庭為本照顧2009會議,並發表論文一篇。


7)   體育運動科學系王香生教授於2009年5月27日至30日,出席在美國西雅圖舉行之American College of Sports Medicine - 56th Annual Meeting會議,並發表論文一篇。


8)   系統工程與工程管理學系李端教授於2009年6月3日至5日,出席在俄羅斯莫斯科舉行之國際自動控制學會:第13屆製造業中的資訊控制專題會議,並發表論文一篇。


9)   日本研究學系葉鍵濠先生於2009年6月4日至7日,出席在美國夏威夷舉行之夏威夷國際社會科學會議,並發表論文一篇。


10) 歷史系Dr Thomas J Brophy於2009年6月10日至13日,出席在愛爾蘭高維郡舉行之"舊地新人: 同樣住在愛爾蘭的同一族群會議,並發表論文一篇。


11) 哲學系姚治華教授於2009年6月11日至14日,出席在香港舉行之第十五屆國際跨學科意識科學大會:走向意識之科學2009會議,並發表論文一篇。


12) 新雅中國語文研習所寇志暉女士於2009年6月12日至14日,出席在中國北京舉行之課程與教學研究的 實踐取向:對話施瓦布及芝加哥學派的傳人會議,並發表論文一篇。


13) 化學系成公明教授於2009年6月23日至26日, 出席在法國巴黎舉行之Tenth Tetrahedron Symposium會議,並發表論文一篇。


14) 會計學院芮萌教授於2009年6月28日至7月1日,出席在希臘克里特島舉行之第16屆多國金融學會年會會議,並發表論文一篇。


15) 生物系黃家興教授於2009年7月1日至3日,出席在奧地利維也納舉行之第四屆國際膳食纖維會議2009,並發表論文一篇。


16) 課程與教學學系鄧麗暚教授於2009年7月1日至4日,出席在西班牙巴塞隆納舉行之第十六屆國際學習會議,並發表論文一篇。


17) 藥理學系劉行榕教授於2009年7月6日至10日,出席在日本東京舉行之第九屆世界炎症會議,並發表論文一篇。


18) 生物化學系曾淑瑩教授於2009年7月8日至11日,出席在西班牙巴塞隆納舉行之國際幹細胞研究學會第七屆年度大會會議,並發表論文一篇。


19) 日本研究學系井上由美女士於2009年7月13日至16日,出席在澳洲雪梨舉行之2009澳洲日本研究研討會,日語教育國際研討會国際大會會議,並發表論文一篇。


20) 新聞與傳播學院馮應謙教授於2009年7月13日至17日,出席在英國利物浦舉行之國際流行音樂研究協會會議,並發表論文一篇。


21) 社會學系陶林教授於2009年7月16日至18日,出席在法國巴黎舉行之社會經濟學發展協會第二十一屆年度學術研討會會議,並發表論文一篇。


22) 體育部韓雪女士於2009年8月6日至9日,出席在加拿大多倫多舉行之第一百一十七屆美國心理學會週年研討會會議,並發表論文一篇。


23) 建築學系廖維武教授於2009年9月4日至7日, 出席在中國廣州舉行之都市形態與都市轉型會議,並發表論文一篇。


Report on College International Conference Grant Scheme


In the final allocation of the International Conference Grant, the College granted $40,910 to subsidise 23 staff to attend international conferences as follows:


1)   Professor Kwan Hoi-shan from Department of Biology was invited to attend and present a paper at the 25th Fungal  Genetics Conference held in California, USA from 17 to 22 March 2009.


2)   Professor Wang Qian from Department of Psychology was invited to attend and present a paper at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development held in Colorado, USA from 2 to 4 April 2009.


3)   Professor Janita P C Chau from The Nethersole School of Nursing was invited to attend and present a paper at the Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovasular Disease and Stroke Conference 2009 held in Washington DC, USA from 23 to 25 April 2009.


4)   Professor Tong Yuying from Department of Sociology was invited to attend and present a paper at the Annual Meeting of Population Association of America held in Detroit, MI, USA from 29 April to 2 May 2009.


5)   Professor Lam Kin-che from Department of Geography & Resource Management was invited to attend and present a paper at the 29th Annual Meeting of International Association of Impact Assessment held in Accra, Ghana from 17 to 22 May 2009.


6)   Professor Lau Yuk-king from Department of Social Work was invited to attend and present a paper at the Family   Centered Care in Context 2009 Conference held in Alberta, Canada from 24 to 26 May 2009.


7)   Professor Stephen H S Wong from Department of Sports Science and Physical Education was invited to attend and present a paper at the American College of Sports Medicine - 56th Annual Meeting held in Seattle, USA from 27 to 30 May 2009.


8)   Professor Li Duan from Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management was invited to attend and   present a paper at the 13th IFAC Symposium an Information Control Problems in Manufacturing held in Moscow, Russia from 3 to 5 June 2009.


9)   Mr Ip Kin-ho from Department of Japanese Studies was  invited to attend and present a paper at the Hawaii          International Conference on Social Science held in Hawaii, USA from 4 to 7 June 2009.


10) Dr Thomas J Brophy from Department of History was invited to attend and present a paper at the New Irish, Old Irealnd: 'The samepeople living in the same place' American Conference for Irish Studeis 2009 held in Galway, Ireland from 10 to 13 June 2009.


11)  Professor Yao Zhihua from Department of Philosophy was invited to attend and present a paper at the 15th  International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference on Consciousness " Toward a Science of Consciousness 2009" held in Hong Kong from 11 to 14 June 2009.


12)  Miss Kou Zhihui from Department of New Asia-Yale-in-China Language Centre was invited to attend and present a paper at the The Practical: An East-West Curriculum Dialogue held in Beijing, China from 12 to 14 June 2009.

13)  Professor Tony K M Shing from Department of Chemistry was invited to attend and present a paper at the Tenth Tetrahedron Symposium held in Paris, France from 23 to 26 June 2009.


14) Professor Rui Oliver from Department of Accountancy was invited to attend and present a paper at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Multinational Finance Society held in Crete, Greece from 28 June to 1 July 2009.


15)  Professor Wong Ka-hing from Department of Biology was invited to attend and present a paper at the 4th International Dietary Fiber Conference 2009 held in Vienna, Austria from 1 to 3 July 2009.


16)  Professor Eunice L Y Tang from Department of Curriculum and Instruction was invited to attend and present a paper at the Sixteenth International Conference on Learning held in Barcelona, Spain from 1 to 4 July 2009.


17) Professor Alaster H Y Lau from Department of Pharmacology was invited to attend and present a paper at the 9th World Congress on Inflammation held in Tokyo, Japan from 6 to 10 July 2009.


18)  Professor Tsang Suk-ying from Department of Biochemistry was invited to attend and present a paper at the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 7th Annual Meeting held in Barcelona, Spain from 8 to 11 July 2009.


19)  Ms Inoue Yumi from Department of Japanese Studies was invited to attend and present a paper at the 2009 International Conference of the JSAA-ICJLE held in Sydney, Australia from 13 to 16 July 2009.


20)  Professor Anthony Y H Fung from School of Journalism and Communication was invited to attend and present a paper at the International Association for the Study of Popular Music Biennial Conference held in Liverpool, England from 13 to 17 July 2009.


21)  Professor Tao Lin from Department of Sociology was invited to attend and present a paper at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics held in Paris, France from 16 to 18 July 2009.


22)  Ms Snowy S Hon from Physical Education Unit was invited to attend and present a paper at the 2009 117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA) held in Toronto, Canada from 6 to 9 August 2009.


23)  Professor Laurence W W Liauw from Department of Architecture was invited to attend and present a paper at the Urban Morphology and Urban Transformation held in Guangzhou, China from 4 to 7 September 2009.