




Appointment of Distinguished Laureate, United College


The University approved the recommendation of the College’s Assembly of Fellows to appoint Professor Charles K Kao, the founding chairman of the Electronics Department of our College and former Vice Chancellor of CUHK, as Distinguished Laureate, United College with effect from 1 September 2010.




107th Meeting of the Assembly of Fellows


The 107th Meeting of the Assembly of Fellows will be held on Friday, 24 September 2010 at 11:00am in the College Board Room.




More Outstanding Students Admitted to United College


More outstanding students admitted to United College this year, including seventeen students with 8As or above in HKCEE (one 10As and six 9As) as well as sixteen students with 4As or above in HKALE (five 5As). Apart from offering more admission scholarships to outstanding students, the College will give priority to them in their hostel applications and the United College Globe-Oriented Active Learning (GOAL) Programme Scholarships.







院慶為書院一年一度之盛事,歡迎各同仁踴躍出席各項活動。如有查詢,請致電2609 8655與本院高級書院發展主任周鍾寶華女士聯絡。

United College 54th Anniversary Ceremony


The Ceremony marking the 54th Anniversary of United College will be held on Friday, 22 October 2010 at 11:30 am at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of the University. Mr Shum Choi-sang, SBS, JP, Chairman of the College Board of Trustees and Mr Cheung Hing-wah, BBS, Deputy Director, Social Welfare Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, will officiate at the ceremony. Mr Cheung is 1974 College alumnus, majoring in Social Work.


Immediately after the ceremony, there will be a birthday party on the College campus.  The College Staff Association will donate a birthday cake for the occasion. The day’s highlight will be the Anniversary Luncheon at the College Staff Common Room at 1:15 pm. The College Student Union will also organise a series of activities to celebrate the occasion, details will be announced soon.


All members of the College are cordially invited to take part in the above celebration activities. For enquiries, please contact Mrs Jackie Chow, Senior College Development Officer at 2609 8655.





Initiation Ceremony for Freshmen 2010-11


The 2010-11 United College Initiation Ceremony for Freshmen was held on Friday, 10 September 2010 at 1:30 pm at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. More than seventy colleagues attended the ceremony. Before the function, the College hosted a luncheon at the Staff Common Room. At the ceremony, Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head, Professor Stephen H S Wong, Dean of Students, and Mr Joe Ip, Acting President of the College Student Union, delivered welcoming speeches to the audience. They welcomed all freshmen joining the College’s big family and encouraged them to actively participate in College activities and make good use of the facilities and opportunities provided by the University and the College, so as to develop their potentials and service the fellow students and the society in the future.




Si Yuan Foundation and Northeast Normal University Visited United College


Mr and Mrs Lai Ying-kam, Advisors of Si Yuan Foundation and a three-member delegation led by Professor Yang Xiaohui, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Northeast Normal University, visited United College on 12 August 2010. Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head, Mr Ricky M S Cheng, Director, Office of Institutional Advancement, Mrs Christina Li, College Secretary and Ms Sandy P S Lee, Assistant College Secretary received the delegation.



2010至2011年度「到訪傑出學人」為美國普林斯頓大學(Princeton University) 心理學榮休講座教授郭保山(Sam Glucksberg)及紐約市立大學(City University of New York)研究生中心心理學榮休傑出講座教授杜爾琦(Kay Deaux),夫婦二人將於2010年10月15日至30日到訪書院。


郭保山教授和杜爾琦教授堪稱為心理學界的長青樹。郭保山教授於1960年在紐約大學取得博士學位後,隨即加入美國人類工程實驗室擔任研究心理學家。他在1963年獲普林斯頓大學禮聘執教,七年後晉升教授,並於1974至1980年間出任心理學系系主任。郭保山教授在心理學界貢獻良多,歷任美國心理學會實驗心理學分組(Division of Experimental Psychology, American Psychological Association)主席、 《Psychological Science》及《Journal of

Experimental Psychology: General》等著名學術期刊編輯。除了研究成就突出之外,他在教學方面亦同樣出色。在普林斯頓大學,郭保山教授任教的心理學概論是最受學生歡迎的課程之一,他並聯同學系其他老師合撰教材,影響至廣。


杜爾琦教授於1967年獲美國德州大學(University of Texas)社會科學博士銜,並於著名學府出任教授,包括萊特州立大學(Wright State University)、普渡大學(Purdue University)及紐約市立大學研究生中心等。她是社會心理學權威,在性別(gender)及移居(immigration)兩項研究中有開創性發現。隨著全球化年代的到臨,移居變成重要的研究課題,了解移民各方面的心理經歷有著深遠的意義,尤其是有關政策的制訂。杜爾琦教授的研究獲羅素睿智基金會(Russell Sage Foundation)贊助及出版,該基金會是資助美國有關社會科學研究的首要機構。她的事業亦體現在心理科學學會(Association for Psychological Science; 前稱美國心理學會)的工作,包括於1993至96年擔任理事及1997至98年出任會長;該會是推動以科學方法從事心理學研究的重要學術機構。




                         (To Be an Immigrant: Changing Places and Faces)

                         10月21日  (星期四)下午4時30分



                                        (Moral Hazards and Media Hazards:  How Metaphors Shape Thought and Social Policy)

                       10月26日     (星期二)下午4時30分  


以上講座以英語進行,地點為大學校園西部綜合教學大樓六號講堂。歡迎各界人士踴躍出席。查詢請致電2609 7598或2609 7455與書院學生輔導處林偉源先生或楊頌妍女士聯絡。

Distinguished Visiting Scholars——Professor Sam Glucksberg and Professor Kay Deaux


Professor Sam Glucksberg, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, Princeton University and Professor Kay Deaux, Professor Emerita of Psychology, Graduate Center of the City University of New York, will visit Hong Kong between 15 and 30 October 2010 as the College’s Distinguished Visiting Scholars in 2010-11.


Professor Glucksberg and Professor Deaux is a scholar-couple and are evergreens. Professor Glucksberg obtained his doctoral degree from New York University in 1960, and started his career as a research psychologist in the US Army Human Engineering Laboratories where he worked for three years, before joining Princeton in 1963. In 1970 he became professor and served as the department chair between 1974 and 1980. Highlights of his professional activities include Presidency of the Division of Experimental Psychology, the American Psychological Association; and Editorship of the journals Psychological Science, and Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Professor Glucksberg is also a renowned teacher, his introductory course in psychology was one of the most popular courses at Princeton, and he co-wrote an influential introductory text with Princeton colleagues.


Professor Deaux obtained her PhD in social Science from the University of Texas in 1967, and held professorships at Wright State University, Purdue University, and the City University of New York Graduate Center. She is a social psychologist renowned for her groundbreaking research on two major psychological areas: gender and immigration. While many are embracing the age of globalization, immigration has, in parallel, become a crucial topic of investigation. An understanding of multifaceted psychological experiences of immigrants would have far-reaching consequences, particularly in policy making.  Her researches have been supported and published by the Russell Sage Foundation, the principal American Foundation devoted exclusively to research in the social sciences. Deaux’s career is her involvement with the American Psychological Society (now the Association for Psychological Science), the premier academic society for advancing scientifically-oriented psychological researches: she was on the Board of Directors from 1993 to 1996, and its President in 1997-98.


During their visit to United College, each of the scholar will deliver one public lecture.  The details are as follows:

Professor Deaux:  To Be an Immigrant: Changing Places and Faces   

                                 Thursday, 21 October 2010, 4:30 p.m.

Professor Glucksberg: Moral Hazards and Media Hazards: How Metaphors Shape Thought and Social Policy

                                        Tuesday, 26 October 2010, 4:30 p.m.


The lectures will be conducted in English and the venue will be Lecture Theatre 6 of the Teaching Complex at Western Campus. For further information, please contact Mr George Lam at 2609 7598 or Ms Amy Yeung at 2609 7455.




Shaanxi University of Science and Technology Visited United College


A delegation of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, led by Professor Li Xuejun visited United College on 20 August 2010. Ms Sandy P S Lee, Assistant College Secretary received the delegation and introduced the CUHK’s collegiate system and United College to the guests.




本院藝術顧問利漢楨教授將與美國西雅圖藝術博物館中國部主任姚進莊博士及書院導師暨中大藝術系兼任講師張惠儀博士主持《藝術中與西》講座,課題為中外藝術館。內容包括遨遊中國三大博物館 (北京故宮博物院、台北故宮博物院、上海博物館),並放眼外國著名博物館(Seattle Art Museum, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Guggenheim Museum (NY), Miho Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario, Fondation P Gianadda),漫談博物館的建築特色、館藏作品、創館理念及建館掌故等。講座詳情如下:










歡迎聯合書院同學、教職員及校友參加。名額有限,先到先得。查詢請致電2696 1844與本院助理書院發展主任高榮銘先生或2609 7455與楊頌妍女士聯絡。



Programme for Aesthetic Development : Art East and West Seminar Series


Professor Hon-ching Lee, Art Advisor of United College, Dr Josh Yiu, Foster Foundation Associate Curator of Chinese Art, Seattle Art Museum and Dr Cheung Wai-yee, College Tutor and Part-time Lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK, will offer an Art East and West Seminar Series entitled “Museums Around the World”. Content includes introducing three major museums in the country (The Palace Museum, Taipei Palace Museum and Shanghai Museum) and various famous museums overseas (Seattle Art Museum, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Guggenheim Museum (NY), Miho Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario, Fondation P Gianadda). Highlights include architecture style, collection of works, rationale of establishment, anecdotes during establishment etc. Details of the seminar series are as follows:


Dates:        30 September – 4 November 2010

                  (every Thursday, six sessions in total)

Time :         7:00 – 9:45 pm

Venue:       Alumni Room, L/G, Chung Chi College Administration 


Language: Cantonese

Fee:           $100 deposit refundable to participants with 100%

                  attendance at the completion of the series


All United College students, staff members and alumni are welcome. Registration is made on first-come first-served basis. For enquiries, please contact Mr Ken Ko, Assistant College Development Officer at 2696 1844 or Ms Amy Yeung at 2609 7455 .


This seminar series is sponsored by Hop Wei Arts and Cultural Development Fund.






日期:        2010年9月18日 (星期六)

時間:        下午3時30分

地點:        聯合書院鄭棟材樓地庫思源文娛中心

費用:        HK$20 (材料費用)


查詢及報名請致電2603 7486 (逢星期二至日下午4時至晚上9時)。名額有限,先到先得。工作坊將以廣東話進行。

United College Si Yuan Amenities Centre – Workshop on Snowy Mini Mooncake Making for Children


The College Si Yuan Amenities Centre Club Management Committee will organise a Mini Snowy Mooncake Making

Workshop for children between 8 to 12 years old in September. Details are as below:


Date:      Saturday, 18 September 2010

Time:      3:30 pm

Venue:   Si Yuan Amenities Centre, L/G, T C Cheng Building, UC

Fee:       HK$20 (material cost)


For reservation and enquiries, please call 2603 7486 from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Seats will be reserved in first-come-first-served basis. The Workshop will be conducted in Cantonese.



大學保健處將於10月4至8日(星期一至五)在保健處一樓健康教育室舉行預防子宮頸癌疫苗注射運動,時間為上午9時至下午5時30分,歡迎年齡介乎十至二十五歲的全職中大學生、職員及職員家屬參加,注射運動期間優惠價每針港幣八百五十元,詳情請瀏覽http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uhs/hpv,查詢請致電2609 6428。


News from University Health Service


The University Health Service (UHS) will organise the Cervical Cancer Vaccination Campaign from 4 to 8 October 2010, 9:00am to 5:30pm in Health Education Room, 1/F University Health Centre. All full-time CUHK students, staff and staff dependants are welcome. The cost of the vaccine during the campaign is $850 per dose. Details can be viewed at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uhs/hpv. For enquiries, please call 2609 6428.

(Remarks: UHS will NOT accept new cases out of this period.  Please go to UHS from 4 to 8 October 2010 if you would like to have the vaccination.)