


1) 本院成員矯形外科及創傷學講座教授陳啟明教授獲委任為理工研究所香港運動醫學及科學研究中心主任,任期兩年,由2010年8月1日生效。

2) 本院成員法律學講座教授Professor Lutz-Christian Wolff獲委任為法律學院副院長(研究學科),任期兩年,由2010年9月1日生效。

3) 本院成員法律學院趙宇紅教授獲委任為法律學院副院長(本科課程),任期兩年,由2010年9月1日生效。


Concurrent Appointments

1) College member, Professor Chan Kai-ming of Department of   Orthopaedics and Traumatology, has been appointed as Director, Hong Kong Centre of Sports Medicine and Sport Science, Institute of Science and Technology for two years, with effect from 1 August 2010.

2) College member, Professor Lutz-Christian Wolff of Faculty of Law, has been appointed as Associate Dean (Graduate Studies), Faculty of Law for two years, with effect from 1 September 2010.

3) College member, Professor Zhao Yuhong of Faculty of Law, has been appointed as Associate Dean (Undergraduate  Studies), Faculty of Law for two years, with effect from 1 September 2010.




2011至2012年度「到訪傑出學人」計劃現正公開接受各學系同人提名。計劃的網址為http://www2.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/eng/dvs/index.php ,提名人須填妥報名表格,連同被提名學人的履歷交所屬系主任加簽,於2010年10月29日或以前送達「到訪傑出學人」委員會秘書林偉源先生。查詢或索取提名表格請電2609 7455與林偉源先生或楊頌妍女士聯絡。


Call for Nominations for the 2011-2012 Distinguished Visiting Scholar

Nominations are now invited from academic staff of United College for the 2011-2012 Distinguished Visiting Scholar (DVS). Nominees should be internationally renowned scholars in any field of study. DVS Scheme is sponsored by the College's Endowment Fund and offers a $20,000 honorarium for the invited scholar plus round-trip business class airfares and accommodation for the scholar. Detailed programme for the visit will be designed by the DVS Committee in consultation with the nominator. Invited scholar is expected to deliver two public lectures and take part in exchange activities with staff and students of the College.

Each nomination, together with the nominee's full curricula vitae, should be endorsed by the chairpersons of the respective departments and addressed to Mr George Lam, Secretary of the DVS Committee on or before 29 October. Further information or nomination forms, please browse at http://www2.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/eng/dvs/index.php or contact Mr George Lam or Ms Amy Yeung at 2609 7455.



師生交流津貼是為加強聯合書院全職教員及行政人員與書院學生在課餘時間的溝通和交流而設,每名成員的全年基本津貼額為港幣一千元,而GEUC4011通識科老師、院系聯絡人、舍監、體育部老師及交流團領隊等會有額外的津貼金額。每次聚餐之報銷金額以每名聯合師生港幣一百元為限。津貼申請手續全年均可辦理。有關申請表格及指引可於書院網頁 http://www2.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/cht/application_results/application_detail.php?id=158&general=8 下載。查詢請致電26098656或26097580與書院學生輔導處胡黃雪萍女士或鄭佩純女士聯絡。


United College Social Fund

The Social Fund was set up with the aim of fostering personal interaction and strengthening contacts among teachers and students of United College outside the classroom. As such, it covers expenses incurred by teaching and administrative staff of United College while engaged in consultation, tutorial and other legitimate activities in relation to their teaching and mentoring duties. The yearly budget is $1,000 per staff member while the maximum claim is $100 per person per occasion. Additional funds have been allocated to supervisors of GEUC4011, College Coordinators, Wardens, PE Teachers as well as leaders of study tours. Application is open year round. Application forms and further details are obtainable from the College website http://www2.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/eng/application_results/application_detail.php?id=158&general=8 . For enquiries, please contact Mrs Joyce Wu or Ms Carol Cheng of the College Dean of Students’ Office at 2609 8656 or 2609 7580.



1) 書院成員生物系關海山教授獲再度委任為食物安全專家委員會主席,任期兩年,由2010年9月15日生效。

2) 書院成員大學安全及環境事務處處長林樹佳校友(77/生化)獲委任為職業安全健康局成員,任期兩年,由2010年8月22日生效。


Community Services

1) College member, Professor Kwan Hoi-shan of Department of Biology, has been re-appointed as the Chairman of the Expert Committee on Food Safety for a period of two years, with  effect from 15 September 2010.

2) College member cum alumnus, Mr Lam Shi-kai, Director of University Safety and Environment Office (77/BCH), has been appointed as Member of Occupational Safety and Health Council for a period of two years, with effect from 22 August 2010.





College Member Appointed Managing Director of Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology

College member, Professor Cheng Hon-ki of School of Biomedical Sciences, has been appointed as Managing Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology cum Director of the Chinese University Institute of Biotechnology, with effect from 1 January 2011.



College Member Built the Second Seismic Proof School in Sichuan

College member, Professor Zhu Jingxiang of School of Architecture has led a research team to develop the second seismic proof school in Sichuan this summer. An advanced architectural system has been used to develop the new school in order to enhance the energy efficiency and space design.