


書院歡迎同學每學期參與超過三次書院聚會。凡未有於網上登記而有興趣出席個別書院聚會之同學,可事先致電本處留座(電話: 2609 7575),惟該次額外出席將不獲計算在出席要求內。書院將於有關聚會舉行前三天覆電同學,通知有關座位安排。同學若在每學期出席書院聚會共六次或以上,書院將於學期終結時給予獎勵,以推動同學積極參與非形式教育活動。


United College Encourages Students to Attend More College Assemblies

The College welcomes students to attend any College Assemblies which they are interested in but without pre-registration through e-ticket system. The extra attendance record will not be counted towards the attendance requirement. Seat reservation can be made by calling 26097575 to the Dean of Students’ Office.  The Office will confirm students with the related seat arrangement three days prior to the assembly by phone. Awards will be given to students who have attended six or more College Assemblies in one term to recognise students’ participation in non-formal education.






United College Alumni Talk 

From 2005, the College and the Alumni Association have jointly organised a series of alumni talks for students. Distinguished alumni from all walks of life are invited to share with fellow students on their career and life experiences. The Alumni Talk is organised in the format of high table dinner, providing students and alumni a relaxing atmosphere for learning and communication.

 The tenth Alumni Talk will be held at 7:00 pm, 17 November 2010 (Wed) at the Staff Common Room, 3/F, Cheung Chuk Shan Amenities Building, United College. The College has invited Mr Richard Eng, Co-founder of Beacon College, to share with UC students on the topic of "Work From the Bottom". Mr Eng is a 1989 United College alumnus who majored in Marketing.  

















何灝源      郭偉靂     甘欣潔


姚永鏗      蔡日朗    潘璟誼

莫家恩      張煜鑫    張廸承

白清瑩      蘇莉君    孫嘉琪

周慧賢      何舒廸    何敬淘


票價分成人$60、學生$30。查詢及訂票請致電9555 0824與王嘉珩同學聯絡。


UC Drama Club in CU Inter-Collegiate Drama Competition

The CU Inter-Collegiate Drama Competition of this year will be held on 17 and 18 November 2010 at 7:30 pm at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall.  The competition, sponsored by four Colleges, is co-organised by Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and College Drama Societies. The entry of United College Drama Club, “In search of the 8th second ", will be staged on 18 November 2010.

The production team members are appended:

Producer :

Wong Ka-hang


Li Chi-tat

Scrip Writer: 

Cheng Wa-chu

Stage Manager:

Fok Lik-hang

Deputy Stage Manager:

Au Yang Tsz-wing

Assistant Stage Managers:

Ho Ho-yuen, Kwok Wai-lik, Lam Yan-kit


Lu Wing-hang, Tsoi Yat-long, Poon King-yi, Mok Ka-yan, Cheung Yuk-yam, Cheung Tik-shing, Pak Ching-ying, So Lei- Kwan, Suen Ka Ki, Chow Wai Yin, Ho Shu Tik, Ho King To, Wong Wa Nin

All College members are encouraged to book their tickets early to support the Drama Club. Tickets are priced at $60 for adult and $30 for student.  For reservations and enquiries, please contact Ms Wong Ka-hang  at 9555 0824.





UC Shum Choi Sang Mentorship Programme 2010-2011

The UC Shum Choi Sang Mentorship Programme was jointly organized by United College and the UC Alumni Association. It aims to foster friendship, cohesion and a sense of belongings among past and present students of United College. This year, in order to enable all participants to have a better understanding of the programme objectives, the Coordinating Committee had organised two briefing sessions on 14 and 28 October 2010 for mentees and mentors respectively. The Inauguration Dinner was held on 4 November 2010 at the Regal Kowloon Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. Over 230 guests, alumni and students were there to share the fun, including Mr Shum Choi-sang, Chairman of the United College Board of Trustees and donor of the Mentorship Programme, Dr Thomas H C Cheung, Permanent Emeritus President of the UC Alumni Association, Professor Fung Kwok-pui, Head of United College, Ms Lina H Y Yan and Professor Stephen H S Wong, Convenors of the Mentorship Programme Coordination Committee.  




日期:    2010年11月18日

時間:    下午7時30分至8時30分

地點:     思源文娛中心

費用:     港幣25元

報名方法: 請親臨思源文娛中心登記及購票

思源文娛中心主管將教授數款流行雞尾酒的調製方法,包括Pina Colada, Manhattan 及New B52,並設試飲。歡迎同學參加。名額有限,先到先得。工作坊將會以廣東話進行。查詢請致電26037486 (逢星期二至五,下午三時半至八時,星期六及日下午三時至九時)。


United College Si Yuan Amenities Centre-Workshop on Cocktail Blending and Tasting

United College Si Yuan Amenities Centre Club Management Committee will organise a Workshop on Cocktail Blending and Tasting on 18 November 2010.  Details are as below:

Date :                 18 November 2010

Time :                 7:30pm-8:30pm

Venue:                Si Yuan Amenities Center

Fee:                    HK$25

Reservation:      Tickets now available at the Centre

Our Centre Supervisor will demonstrate how to blend Pina

Colada, Manhattan and New B52. A tasting session will be held after the demonstration. All students are welcome. Quota limited, seats are reserved in first-come-first-served basis. The Workshop will be conducted in Cantonese. For enquiries, please call 26037486 (Tue - Fri 3:30pm-8:00pm and Sat - Sun: 3:00pm-9:00pm).



由書院及香港童軍總會合辦的書院通識科目GEUC2018【實踐領導才】於11月4日正式完結,書院及香港童軍總會於當天分別向導師及學員派發證書和感謝狀。結業禮出席嘉賓為香港童軍總會總監陳傑柱先生、助理香港總監 ( 產業 )李月芬博士、院長馮國培教授、通識教育主任余濟美教授及通識教育副主任張雙慶教授。


Closing Ceremony for new College General Education Course “Leadership in Practice” 

The College General Education elective course, GEUC2018 “Leadership in Practice”, jointly organised by the Scout Association of Hong Kong was ended on 4 November 2010, and a closing ceremony was organised on that day. Certificates were presented to both instructors and students of the course by the Scout Association of Hong Kong. Guests attended the closing ceremony were Mr Anthony Chan, Chief Commissioner; Dr Agnes Lee, Assistant Projects Commissioner; Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head; Professor Jimmy C M Yu, Dean of General Education and Professor Chang Song-hing, Associate Dean of General Education.





United College Students Attended the Fung Scholars Leadership Conference

College Students, Chan Che-chung (COMM/3), Chow Wui-yan (CHLL/4), Mok Wing-gi (PACY/4), Wan Hoi-man (PACY/2), Wong Chun-tat (IFAA/4) and Wong Chung On (HTMG/4) received the Li & Fung Scholarship and attended the Fung Scholars Leadership Conference, held from 2 to 4 October with the theme “ Changing Leadership: The Role of Young Leaders in the Context of Globalization”. Professor Richard Locke, Professor of Massachusetts Institute of Technology was the distinguished guest speaker.




United College 44th Athletic Meet

The 2010-2011 Athletic Meet was held on 20 October 2010, with over 450 students representing the six hostels and non-residential halls joined the competitions. The cheerleading teams helped to raise the participants' excitement which was further fueled by the presence of guests including Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head; Professor Stephen H S Wong, Dean of Students; Professor Jimmy C M Yu, Dean of General Education; Professor Chang Song-hing, Associate Dean of General Education; Mrs Christina Li, College Secretary and hostel/hall wardens, and their presentation of medals to winners. The overall results are listed in Attachment 5.





United College Dinner

The first United College Dinner of this year was held on 8 November at the Madam S H Ho Hostel, Prince of Wales Hospital for Medical Students. Over 100 staff and students from the Faculty of Medicine joined the United College Dinner.





Dinner for Non-local Students (2010 entry)

United College organised a dinner for the year one non-local undergraduate students on Thursday, 11 November 2010 at the Staff Common Room in order to enhance the understanding of year one non-local students to the College and College life.





UC Si Yuan Amenities Centre - Beer Drinking Competition

United College Si Yuan Amenities Centre Club Management Committee organised a Beer Drinking Competition on 8 October 2010. Over 40 local and exchange students joined the competition and had a jolly time.