



查詢請致電2696 1844或2609 7578與書院學生輔導處高榮銘先生或盧淑霞女士聯絡。

  The Language Improvement Project-Spring Programmes 2011

  Applications for the Spring courses of the College's 2011Language Improvement Project (LIP) will open from 10 to 19 January 2011. Apart from the local Putonghua and English courses, non-local Culture and Language Programmes and language immersion camps will also be organised in Summer 2011. Interested students may browse the details on the College’s website or collect the programme booklets and application forms at the Dean of Students' Office from 10 January 2011.

For enquiries, please contact Mr Ken W M Ko at 2696 1844 or Ms Edith S H Lo of Dean of Students' Office at 2609 7578.


  由書院學生身心健康工作小組策劃、岑維休先生德育活動計劃贊助的書院學生生活約章計劃自2008年推出,至今反應良好。簽署約章的目的在協助同學訂定大學生活及學習目標。小組於近期將約章內容作更新,現開放予所有學生於網上簽署,網址為 www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/studentcharter。為鼓勵同學參與計劃,此項目亦已列入書院馮燊均先生全人發展獎勵計劃的認可活動之內 www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/wholeperson 。如有查詢,請致電2609-7570與學生輔導處何小姐聯絡。

  Student Life Charter

  Organised by the Taskforce on Students’ Well-being and sponsored by the College’s Mr Shum Wai-yau Moral Education Scheme, the Student Life Charter was launched in 2008 and received positive feedback from College students.The scheme aims at helping students to set up their personal objectives of their university life and learning. The Charter contents have been recently updated by the Taskforce, and are now available for signing online at www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/studentcharter.The College encourages all students to sign this Charter, and it will be a recognised activity of the United College Mr Fung Sun-kwan Whole Person Development Award Programme www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/wholeperson).For questions, please contact Ms Kitty W F Ho of the Dean of Students’ Office at 2609 7570.






積賢社會服務獎學金 (新增設)


聯合書院恒生樓舊生會獎 (新增設)

聯合書院國術會李振雄師父德育獎 (新增設)


聯合書院羅德學人校友獎 (新增設)




  College Scholarships for 2010-2011

  Applications are now invited for the following scholarships and awards:

Courage and Contribution Award
This award, in amount of HK$1,000, was established with a fund raised by a group of UC graduates (Class of 2001), through bicycling around the Island of Taiwan. The award aims to encourage students of the College to participate in extra-curricular activities and social services, to challenge themselves and stimulate others to be indomitable in spirit and unstinting in contribution to society and mankind.

Distinguished College Service Awards
A total of seven awards, ranging from HK$1,000 to HK$10,000, will be awarded to students who have accomplished a balanced development in academic pursuit, extra-curricular activities and have made significant contributions to College or campus life in the year 2010. Candidates for these awards are to be nominated by administrative staff of the College.

Fan Cho Tak Extra-curricular Activities Award
This award, in the amount of HK$1,000, was established through the generous donation of an UC alumnus Mr. Fan Cho Tak. The award will be made to a year-2 Mathematics student who has in the past year demonstrated outstanding performance in extra-curricular activities.

Head of College Creativity Prize
This award, in the amount of HK$1,500, was established by the Head of the College to promote student interest in creative projects. It will be awarded to a student or a group of students who has demonstrated good creativity in an academic paper, research report, literary or musical composition, work of art or scientific invention completed within the last 12 months.

Jik Yin Social Service Award (NEW)
This scholarship, in the amount of HK$8,000, was established through the generous donation of an UC alumna Ms. Au Ka Pik. The scholarship will be awarded to one Social Work student who has attained outstanding performance in community services and recommended by the Department of Social Work, CUHK.

Mrs Eva Wong Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, in the amount of HK$10,000, was established through a donation from the “Eva Li Memorial Fund”. The scholarship will be awarded to one Social Work student who has attained outstanding performance in community services and recommended by the Department of Social Work, CUHK.

UC Hang Seng Hall Alumni Association Award (NEW)
This award, in the amount of HK$1,000, was established with a fund raised by the alumni of Hang Seng Hall. The award aims to recognise contributions made by students towards Hang Seng Hall and United College during their years of undergraduate studies and to encourage them to uphold the spirit of the College motto “Ming De Xin Min”. Candidates for this award are to be nominated by the Warden of Hang Seng Hall.

United College Chinese Martial Arts Society Master Charles C H Li Award of Morality (NEW)
This award, in the amount of HK$1,000, was established with a fund raised by a group of alumni of the United College Chinese Martial Arts Society. The award aims to encourage students of the College to participate in extra-curricular activities and social services, so as to build character and foster the spirit of helpfulness and good ethics towards the betterment of the society.

United College Dr Tse Yuen Man Memorial Scholarships
Three scholarships, HK$10,000 each, were established to encourage more young medical students to continue the vision of Dr Tse Yuen Man, a graduate of United College and a great fighter against SARS, in utilizing her knowledge to cure suffering and save lives.
United College Rhodes Scholars Alumni Award (NEW)
This award, in the amount of HK$1,000, was established with a fund raised by a group of UC alumni who are former recipients of the Rhodes Scholarships. The award aims to encourage students of the College to promote and participate in extra-curricular activities and in social services, towards the nurturing of a sense of civic responsibility.

United College Social Service Awards
Two awards, HK$5,000 each, were established to encourage more students to participate and promote community services. Candidates for these awards are to be nominated by administrative staff of the College.

United College Social Work Graduates (1986) - Caring for the Community Prize
This scholarship, in the amount of HK$5,000, was established through the donation from a group of United College Social Work (year 1986) graduates, to encourage more young students to recognise the values of social work profession in the betterment of society. The scholarship will be awarded to one Social Work student who has attained outstanding performance in community services and recommended by the Department of Social Work, CUHK.

The application deadline for the above awards is 31 January 2011.For further details, please refer to the announcements on the College notice-boards, the College website or enquire at the Dean of Students’ Office.




萌芽學者學術交流計劃 ——台灣清華大學
暑期文化及英語課程 ——牛津大學哈特福學院
「語文改善計劃」外地文化及語文研習課程 ——英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學


  Application Open for United College GOAL Programme 2011

  The following programmes under the College Globe-Oriented Active Learning (GOAL) Programme are now open for application:

Budding Scholar Exchange Scheme at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Culture and English Language Programme at Hertford College,University of Oxford, UK
French Culture and Language Programme at Lyon,
France Language Improvement Project-Culture and English Language Programme at University of Edinburgh, UK Language Improvement Project-Chinese Culture and Language Programme at Shaanxi Normal University, Xian, PRC
“Pass-it-on” with Tsinghua University, PRC
Summer Programme at the University of Sydney, Australia
Summer Programme at Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Travel Study Programme to Copenhagen, Denmark
Travel Study Programme to Washington, DC area
Non-local Credit-bearing Summer Studies Scheme
Non-local Credit-bearing Summer Studies Scheme at the University of California, Berkeley
Non-local Credit-bearing Summer Studies Scheme at the University of California, Los Angeles

Application forms are now available at the College Dean of Students’ Office. For further information, please visit the College webpage http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/. The closing date of application is 18 January 2011 by 12:00 noon.


  本計劃蒙馮燊均先生資助,目標在於鼓勵同學透過參與學術和非形式教育活動,積極及有系統地進行個人全面發展。主要發展範疇包括:德、智、體、群、美。參加者如能在畢業前獲得30分或以上,或在一學年內取得20分,均可獲得書券及證書以作鼓勵。2010至2011年度第二學期登記日期由2011年1月17日至31日。計劃內容及報名詳情,可瀏覽計劃網址www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/wholeperson 。查詢請致電2609 7598 或2609 7455與書院學生輔導處林偉源先生或楊頒妍女士聯絡。

  Application Open for Mr Fung Sun Kwan Whole Person Development Award Programme

  Supported by Mr Fung Sun-kwan, this programme is designed to encourage students to take active and systematic steps to pursue whole person development through participation in academic as well as non-formal educational activities. The five core areas include ethical, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic development will be assigned to various activities under these areas. Participants will be awarded when the scoring reach 30 points or above before graduation or 20 points in an individual academic year is open from 17 to 31 January 2011.can visit www.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/wholeperson details. For enquiries, please contact Mr George W Y Lam or Ms Amy C Y Yeung of the Dean of Students' Office at 2609 7598 or 2609 7455 respectively.



查詢請致電6143 5111或2609 7578與會長黃宗瀚同學或聯合書院學生輔導處盧淑霞女士聯絡。

  United College Toastmasters Club

  United College Toastmasters Club meetings will be held on every alternate Thursday, 6:45pm at Rm 312, 3/F Tsang Shiu Tim Building from 13 January 2011 onwards. Toastmasters training can help students to give better presentations in English, to learn how to develop and present ideas effectively. Students can also learn to offer constructive criticism objectively.
For enquiries, please contact Mr Stefan C H Wong, President of the UCTMC at 6143 5111 or Ms Edith S H Lo of Dean of Students' Office at 2609 7578.


一年一度,由書院學生會籌辦的歌唱比賽決賽將於2011年1月27日(星期四)晚上7時30分假中大邵逸夫堂舉行,本屆主題為「Exothermic」,籌委會希望能透過一連串精彩的比賽及表演,為參賽者及觀眾帶來一個極具娛樂性的活動及節目。票價訂為29元,於1月10日至27日期間於文化廣場及聯合飯堂攤位出售。歡迎大學教職員及學生踴躍支持,查詢或訂票請與籌委會聯絡,發送電郵至ucsingcon2011@gmail.com 或致電6807 1808李思俊同學。

  United College Singing Contest 2011

  Organised by the College Student Union, the Singing Contest of 2011 will be held on Thursday, 27 January at 7:30 pm at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall.The theme of this year is “Exothermic'”, the student organisers would like all participants and attendants to enjoy the contests and the performances arranged. Tickets of $29 each are available at the Cultural Square and the College Student Canteen counters from 10 to 27 January 2010. All University staff and students are welcome to support. For questions or ticketing matters, please contact the student organisers by email at ucsingcon2011@gmail.com or call Mr Alex S C Li at 6807 1808.



  Student Hostel News

  During the Lunar New Year holidays, the student hostels of the College will be closed from 12:00 noon on 2 February to 12:00 noon on 7 February 2011.Non-local students who wish to stay on during the said period must notify their respective wardens in writing before 21 January 2011.No hostel services will be provided during this period.



  College Students Won at the Joint University Business Management Challenge 2010

  College Students, Miss Bonnie S Y Chiu and Mr Alan T C Yip, both year 1, Global Business Studies, and their teammates proposed a creative and multi-dimensional plan for the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited that catered to the needs of Generation Y, with a view to increasing its market share. The team beat 150 other teams to win the championship title at the Joint University Business Management Challenge 2010 held on 27 November. They also reaped the ‘Best Presentation’ and ‘Most Creative’ awards.




時間:   晚上6時30分
地點:   書院學生飯堂
餐費:   免費(學生需繳交20元出席保證金並於晚宴後退回)
形式:   中式火鍋

名額有限,有興趣出席的同學請於1月17日(第二次)或2月14日(第三次)前到書院學生輔導處報名。查請致電2696 1947與書院學生輔導處溫嘉蕙女士聯絡。

  United College Dinner

  The United College Dinner was first launched in 2006 and its main objective is to facilitate more interactions between the College staff and students outside class. It is a part of the College non-formal education.

The second and last gatherings of this year are open to all students of the College. Details are as below:

Date: (2nd Gathering) Wednesday, 26 January 2011
         (3rd Gathering) Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Time: 6:30 pm
Venue: United College Student Canteen
Dinner Fee: Free (HK$20 attendance deposit per student)
Format: Hot Pot

Seats limited, interested students please come to the College Dean of Students’ Office for registration before 17 January(2nd Gathering) or 14 February(3rd Gathering). Please contact Ms Wan Ka-wai of the Dean of Students’ Office at 2696 1947.



  College Students Won in 1st Term Inter-College Tennis Competition

  United College students won both the male and female championship titles at the First Term 2010-2011 Inter-College Tennis Competition organised by Physical Education Unit.



每年計劃總獎額達港幣六萬元,得獎人或單位將獲得資助,作為籌辦該項活動的經費。開支實報實銷,得獎個人或團體須向書院呈交活動及財政報告。本計劃由聯合書院鄭棟材博士紀念基金資助,申請表格可於書院學生輔導處索取或於書院網頁下載,查詢請電2609 7570 與書院學生輔導處陳景玲女士或何惠芬女士聯絡。

  Application Open for Creative Student Activity Award Programme

  To encourage students to organise new or creative activities, the College has established the Creative Student Activity Award Programme since 2002.  The aims of the programmes are: 1) to encourage students or student bodies to organise quality activities; 2) encourage students / student bodies to be more active in organising activities; and 3) to promote students’ participation in College life.

The annual award money amounted to HK$60,000, and the winning students or organisation(s) will be subsidized according to their programme proposals. Detailed activity and financial reports must be submitted to the College upon completion of the programme. This award programme is funded by the United College T C Cheng Memorial Fund.Application forms are available at the Dean of Students’ Office or from the College webpage. further information contact Ms Kammy K L Chan or Ms Kitty W F Ho on 2609 7570.