


The College Assembly of Fellows Meeting

The 109th Meeting of the Assembly of Fellows will be held on Friday, 20 May 2011 at 11:00 am in the College Board Room.



為應付2012因教育改革而推行的「三三四學制」,而同時收錄中六及中七入學的兩批學生, 聯合書院於2012年及其後數年須相應增加資源,以配合各項獎助學金及學生活動。書院將藉著五十五周年院慶推行籌款活動,並由2011年1月1日至2012年7月30日期間,凡捐贈港幣一萬元或以上者,將鐫名於日後建於聯合書院校園的銘謝牌匾上。


如有查詢,請聯絡本院院務主任李雷寶玲女士(電話: 2609 7577; 電郵:christina-li@cuhk.edu.hk)。

United College 55th Anniversary Fund Raising

The College has organised a series of activities to celebrate the 55th anniversary of United College.

With the implementation of the 3-3-4 academic reform, United College will be admitting a double cohort of students in 2012. A fundraising campaign is launched with the College’s 55th Anniversary celebrations, so as to meet the various needs and challenges ahead arising from the increased student numbers in 2012-2015. The College will establish a donations commemorative plaque on the College campus in recognition of the generous support of donors for donations of HK$10,000 or above received during the 55th anniversary celebration period from 1 January 2011 to 31 July 2012.

Donors can download and complete the donation form at http://www2.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/eng/giving_to_united_college/form/cu_uc_donation_form.pdf, and send back together with the donation cheque (payable to: The Chinese University of Hong Kong), to United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, Hong Kong. Online donation by credit card can also be made at https://www5.cuhk.edu.hk:8443/collegeDonation/donationUC/.

For enquiries, please contact Ms Christina Li, College Secretary (Tel: 2609 7577; e-mail: christina-li@cuhk.edu.hk).




College Assembly – Presentation of Appointment Certificates to Associate Heads and Farewell Assembly for Graduating Students

Mr Ho Man-sum, College Trustee and Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head, presented appointment certificates to the three Associate Heads, Professor Stephen H S Wong, Professor Chong Song-hing and Professor Jimmy C M Yu on 19 April 2011 at the College Assembly held in the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall.

The Farewell Assembly for graduating students co-organised by the 2008 Class Society, was also held in the same occasion. Professor Fung Kwok-pui, College Head, delivered his farewell address to the graduating classes. Mr Ho Man-sum and Mr Mingles M T Tsoi, Representatives of United College Alumni Association, welcomed the new graduates to join the big family of the Alumni Association. Video clips and photos were also prepared to recall the graduating classes’ sweet memory in the College life of the past three years. The Class Society presented a souvenir to the College. The Farewell Assembly was well received by over 800 audiences.



Appointment of Acting Dean of Students

Professor Stephen H S Wong, Associate Head and Dean of Students, will attend the 58th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Denver, USA from 30 May to 5 June 2011. Professor Barley Mak, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, will be the Acting Dean of Students during the above period.



Programme for Aesthetic Development : Art East and West Seminars

The Art East and West Seminar, led by Professor Lee Hon-ching, Art Advisor of United College and Dr Cheung Wai-yee, College Tutor and Part-time Lecturer of the Department of Fine Arts, was concluded on 7 April 2011.This seminar was sponsored by Hop Wei Arts and Cultural Development Fund and jointly organised by Chung Chi College and United College. Participants acquired the development of art community in Hong Kong during 1920s-30s. Different kinds of paintings were reviewed especially ink paintings with localised characteristic, which inspire the participants.


聯合書院為協助有需要的宿生退宿,現誠邀書院的教職員於學生宿舍退宿前最後一個週末 (2011年5月28日及29日),為宿生提供義載服務,接載攜同行李的宿生由學生宿舍前往大學港鐵站。

有需要的宿生請填妥登記表格,於2011年5月16日前交回曾肇添樓一樓書院學生輔導處。登記表格可往書院學生輔導處索取或在書院網頁http://www2.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/cht/hostel/news.php 下載。

有興趣參與此項計劃的書院教職員及宿生可致電2696 1947與書院學生輔導處溫嘉蕙女士聯絡。

United College Hitch-offer Campaign – in aid of residents moving out of student hostels

To help students move out of their hostels at the end of the term, staff members of the United College are kindly invited to avail themselves to ferry students, plus their luggage, from their respective residential halls to the University train station, during the last weekend of May (28 & 29 May 2011).

Students interested in making use of the Hitch-offer service, please fill in the registration form and submit it to the College Dean of Students’ Office, 1/F, Tsang Shiu Tim Building, United College before 16 May 2011. The registration forms are available at the Dean of Students' Office, United College. They can also be downloaded from the College website http://www2.cuhk.edu.hk/uc/eng/hostel/news.php.

College members and students who are interested in this hitch-offer service please contact Ms Wan Ka-wai of Dean of the Students’ Office at 2696 1947.



Si Yuan Amenities Centre – Workshop on Dessert Making for Kids

Si Yuan Amenities Centre held a workshop on Dessert Making for Kids on 17 April 2011. Ms Kung Ka-ming, Si Yuan Amenities Centre Assistant, taught children how to make macau pudding and glutinous rice balls stuffed with fruit. The workshop was well received by more than 30 people.