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The Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) 

Welcome to the Students’ Page of the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Writing Across the Curriculum website.

Below we offer you some tips on how to avoid common grammatical mistakes in your writing. WAC has found, among CUHK students, that nearly 20% of English grammar errors involve just two areas: single-plural noun-verb disagreements, and articles. Using our tips, and the grammar texts, you can make an instant, significant improvement to your English writing!

You can also access WAC’s workshop presentations as .pdf files, under our Resources link, or download the Correction Codes that WAC’s writing tutors use to give you feedback on your papers.

Contact us

Principal Supervisor
Dr. George Braine georgebraine@cuhk.edu.hk

Dr. Carmel McNaught carmel.mcnaught@cuhk.edu.hk

Research Fellow
Dr. Joanna Radwanska-Williams onhajrw@ipm.edu.mo

Teaching Assistants

Allen Ho


Wience Lai


Stacey Ng



Ada Young



Kasina Wong



Jane Lung




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Homepage of WAC Program - The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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