Resource on CUHK exemplary teachers discussing their teaching and learning principles and strategies

Principal Supervisor

Professor Carmel McNaught, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research


1 year

Approved Budget

HK $100,000

  • Project Objectives
  • Evaluation of outcomes
  • Dissemination of results & deliverables

Project Objectives

The project is designed to reinforce Commendation 8 and address Affirmation 7 of the QAC report by producing resources to explore and demonstrate excellent practices in teaching and learning using the reflections and practice of CUHK’s award-winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award.

Evaluation of outcomes

The commitment of teachers has been secured, the design of the DVD worked on, and the redesign of two key CUHK T&L websites completed.

The professional team producing the DVD is experienced and will ensure a quality product. No challenges are anticipated.

Dissemination of results & deliverables

  • A DVD exploring and describing exemplary teaching at CUHK will be produced.
  • Two key CUHK T&L websites have been conceptually redesigned.
  • An invited chapter ‘A Chinese perspective on university teaching awards: Using teaching wards to develop university policy’ is in press.