Development of class responding applications for undergraduate laboratory courses

Principal Supervisor

Dr. Kendrew K.W. Mak, Department of Chemistry


3 years

Approved Budget

HK $300,000

  • Project Objectives
  • Key deliverables expected
  • Evaluation of deliverables/outcomes
  • Dissemination of deliverables/outcomes

Project Objectives

The objective of the project is to explore, develop and implement the integration of e-learning platform and classroom responding methods into undergraduate laboratory classes. The applications of e-learning technologies in laboratory classes will be explored in the following ways:

  • Setting up a centralized repository to collect students’ experimental results in lab classes.
  • Allowing students to view and compare the results obtained by each other.
  • Facilitating the instructors to monitor the performance of the students instantly.
  • Facilitating the polling of the students’ data together for turning a lab session into a bigger investigative project.
  • Providing learning resources for students to improve their practical skills for lab activities.
  • Key deliverables expected and timelines for completion

    E-learning applications developed for collecting, organizing, and showing students experimental data. The formats of the data to be collected could be numbers, texts, photos, videos, and may possibly be hand-sketch drawings. Key deliverables also include collections of instructional materials of image and video formats on lab skills.

    Sept 2013 – May 2014:
    Completion of prototype of e-learning applications for trials in classes
    Sept 2014:
    Completion of instructional resource materials on lab skills
    Sept 2014 – May 2015:
    Completion of revised e-learning applications for actual implementation in classes

    Arrangements for evaluation of project deliverables/outcomes

    Surveys will be conducted at the end of each course which has used the e-learning applications. Students’ and teaching assistants’ views will be collected in the evaluations. The evaluation will include questionnaire survey in classes and focus-group discussion.

    Means for disseminating project deliverables/outcomes

  • Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPOs organized by CLEAR and ITSC
  • Sharing sessions
  • A leaflet/booklet for introducing this project
  • Other possible ways of dissemination such as:
    -     Publish in international peer-reviewed education journals
    -     Share in workshops organized by CLEAR