Developing a Database Management System (DBMS) for the Undergraduate Programme Review Reports to Support Academic Quality Assurance
Principal Supervisors

Professor Chun Ka Wai Cecilia


2 years & 6 months

Approved Budget

HK $817,173.00

  • Abstract


Programme review is one of the pillars of the quality assurance mechanism in the University. Since the implementation of this internal quality assurance exercise in 2007, a lot of qualitative and quantitative data have been collected. In addition, the meta-analyses of the programme review reports have also yielded useful information about good practices and recommendations in parameters under The Integrated Framework for Curriculum Development and Review (IF).

Three rounds of undergraduate programme reviews have been conducted together with the meta-analyses of the second and third rounds. Accordingly, the University has a basket of useful information about its educational outcomes as revealed by the programme performance which can be capitalised on for further enhancement.

To further implement a strategy for the continuous enhancement of quality and to develop a culture which recognises the importance of quality and quality assurance in the University, we are proposing to build up a database management system for programme review. All information collected in the second and third rounds of (and future) programme reviews will be digitalized and stored in this database management system for further analysis specified by stakeholders. This database management system will serve as a user-friendly vehicle to search for information on different parameters of programme reviews together with examples of good practices and recommendations. The ultimate goal of developing this database system is to enable the university and programmes to access easily integrated information on programme performance as well as the trend of the programme/faculty performance across different cycles of programme review.