Teaching and Learning Community of Practice (CoP): Extension of the Existing eLearning CoP to Address a Wider Scope of Teaching Needs and Innovations
Principal Supervisors

Professor Paul Lam


2 years & 6 months

Approved Budget

HK $868,128.00

  • Abstract


  • The eLearning Community of Practice was established in 2017 with substantial achievements. This project aims to further support the existing eLearning CoP, and to create new interest groups to facilitate teacher professional development (PD) and implementation of teaching innovations.
  • CLEAR will support the existing eLearning CoP and form various new CoP interest groups. Initial themes include: 1) PD for New Teachers, 2) Research-Based Education, 3) Students as Partners in curriculum design, and 4) Incorporating University’s strategic themes into teaching. The number and theme of the interest groups may vary according to teachers’ interest and needs.
  • It is expected that the CoP at early stage will take a receptive approach, exploring ideas and challenges of their particular domain. Later, the CoP will be encouraged to adopt a productive mode to disseminate their knowledge and experiences.
  • The interest group for new teachers will share and discuss their own teaching practices. They will be encouraged to assist in the development of resources on effective university teaching.
  • Teachers who are interested in research-based education will be supported in conducting educational research.
  • Innovative ideas and practices of incorporating the strategic themes into teaching will be explored and disseminated. Input from local and overseas scholars who have relevant experiences will be sought to enhance the CoP’s understanding in these areas.