Virtual Reality Trail of Plant Learning in CUHK
Principal Supervisors

Dr. David T.W. Lau
(School of Life Sciences)


2 years & 4 months

Approved Budget

HK $499,672.50

  • Abstract



  • Mimic the real plant learning trail by VR technology;
  • Provide an equal, immersive, safe alternative to plant learning experience in the field study;
  • Generate unlimited teaching and learning possibilities for plant learning;
  • Promote flipped classroom, self-learning and popular science;
  • Provide training of plant identification skill which is essential for students’ career development in environment, conservation, sciences, medicines and teaching disciplines
  • Implement the courseware in five phrases: i. Preparation; ii. VR courseware production; iii. Beta-test; iv. Launching; and v. Ongoing production;
  • Record the plant learning trail with VR camera and produce a VR interactive courseware;
  • Utilize CUHK campus and off-campus natural habitats as modules content;
  • Run Beta-test in three CUHK courses;
  • Allow students to use their mobile phones with the VR goggles provided to experience a simulated plant learning trail;
  • Enrich and assess knowledge gained by users through built-in VR interactive quiz;
  • Provide free access for the courseware users;
  • Enhance and create synergy with our existing popular e-learning application- Plantwalk@CUHK
  • Produce two campus plant learning trails and one off-campus habitat as module 1-3*;
  • Organize an introductory student workshop for each targeted course;
  • Achieve the goal of 60% of users acquiring the knowledge of at least 3 plant species and 5 plant character descriptions;
  • Accumulate 5000 courseware website visits in three years;
  • Share experience to other departments and faculties through Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2020
  • Continue using and adding new interactive elements into module 1-3*;
  • Continue creating new modules, e.g. Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, Alumni Trail of CUHK, etc
* Module 1: CUHK United College habitat; Module 2: CUHK Herbal Garden; Module 3: Off-campus rocky shore or mangrove.