Nurturing the Internationalization of Urban History Pedagogy in Hong Kong (in alliance with a partner university in Australia)
Principal Supervisors

Professor MORLEY Ian
(Department of History)


1 year 4 months

Approved Budget

HK $84,636

  • Abstract


This proposal centres upon devising an innovative online platform that enriches the conceptual frames of CUHK’s IaH (Internationalization at Home) and IoC (Internationalization of Curriculum). In consequence, the project is designed to: enhance internationalized knowledge, skill and cognizance manufacture beyond the current domestic institutional scaffold; expose learners to new forms of experiential, active e-learning; with a WUN partner/CUHK International Partnership Development Programme associate*; and, extend online pedagogy so that learners will, on one hand, deepen comprehension of intercultural relationships and interactions across the globe in urban historical contexts and, on the other hand, have new opportunities to nurture lifelong learning for their own future global competitiveness.

In seeking to directly align the proposed project with the PI’s existing courses (and a new course to be given from 2021-22), yet having relevance too to History capstone courses HIST4801 and 4802 as well as elements of the Geography, Architecture, and Urban Studies syllabi, the e-platform will supply students with original content and activities so that outcome-based blended learning at CUHK is broadened. Moreover, by participating in active-centred education, students will obtain first-hand experience of divergent methodologies, and intellectual and cultural standpoints (presented by scholars in Hong Kong and Australia) so that, ultimately, the purpose, diversity, delivery, and meaning of their schooling can be enlarged, plus, their grasp – understanding, attitude, value – of global citizenship increased.

* The project will be undertaken with Prof. Christopher Vernon, Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education at the University of Western Australia (UWA). It will fortify the PI’s successful application in 2018-19 to CUHK’s International Partnership Development Programme and proposed visit, in April 2021, to the UWA campus.