Developing Digital Learning Course for Internationalization of Curriculum Through Contemporary Learning Environments
Principal Supervisors

Professor CHIU Kin Fung Thomas
(Department of Curriculum and Instruction)


1 year 6 months

Approved Budget

HK $82,000

  • Abstract


Local and global contemporary learning environments such as inclusive classrooms, international schools, social media and online/distant courses become more culturally diverse and offer challenges to our student teachers to teach in those environments. Accordingly, the main goal of this project is to prepare our students to become global-minded digital learning instructional designer and/or teachers. To achieve the goal, this project will internationalize an undergraduate course by redesigning the four components – content, materials, activities, and student learning outcomes. We will (i) add intercultural issues in teacher professional practice in the content, (ii) add case studies that are set in non-Hong Kong articles from international journals in the field and newspapers to the materials, (iii) organize guest lectures by scholars and practitioners with international background and experience virtually, student presentations/teaching to cross-cultural students, and self-reflective writing on global topics and cultural issues, and (iv) add appreciation for the importance of culture and context in teaching and learning as one of the major learning outcomes. We hope that this project will develop students’ intercultural thinking and will be able to identify major digital learning issues affecting student learning both locally and internationally.