Code of Practice for Council Members

19 Code of Practice for Council Members 14 3. Summary of Responsibilities of the Council The Council is the governing and executive body of the University, and is responsible for the management and control of its affairs. Its powers and duties are stipulated in Section 7 and Statute 11 of the University Ordinance. The Council is unambiguously and collectively accountable for institutional strategies and policies, taking all final decisions on matters of fundamental concern within its remit. The Council protects institutional reputation by being assured that clear regulations, policies and procedures that adhere to legislative and regulatory requirements are in place, ethical in nature, and followed. The Council ensures institutional sustainability by working with the Vice-Chancellor and other University Officers to set the institutional mission and strategy. In addition, it needs to be assured that appropriate steps are being taken to deliver them and that there are effective systems of control and risk management. The Council receives assurance that academic governance is effective by working with the Senate as specified in the University Ordinance and Statutes. The Council works with the Vice-Chancellor to be assured that effective control and due diligence take place in relation to institutionally significant external activities. The Council must ensure that governance structures and processes are fit for purpose by referencing them against recognized standards of good practice. The key responsibilities of the Council are: 3.1. Proper Conduct of Public Business The Council is entrusted with funds, both public and private, and therefore has a particular duty to conduct its and University’s business in the highest ethical standards and complying with the highest standards of corporate governance. This includes ensuring and exercising integrity and objectivity in the transaction of business and, wherever possible, following a policy of openness and transparency in the dissemination of its decisions. 3.2. Strategic Planning The Council is responsible for the strategic direction of the University to achieve its primary objectives of teaching and research. This responsibility includes considering and approving the University’s strategic plan, which sets the academic aims and objectives of the University, and marshal the necessary resources to pursue the strategies and achieve these objectives.