Code of Practice for Council Members

32 Code of Practice for Council Members 24 b. Disclosure to non-members – If any Council member believes that by talking to non-members in a general way, s/he will better discharge the functions of a Council member (e.g. in understanding how things are done elsewhere), s/he may discuss the principles or background related to the agenda item(s) with non-members on a confidential basis, without making specific references to information contained in the papers. c. Conduct at meetings – No recording shall be made by Council members on its proceedings with any audio-visual aids or other instruments of communication technology. Decisions of the Council shall be made under the principle of collective responsibility, and no comments shall be attributable to any individual(s) in respect of specific policies or decisions. d. Official communication – Official dissemination of a Council policy or decision shall be the responsibility of the University management, supported by the relevant administrative office(s). The Secretary of the Council normally prepares a summary report of each Council meeting after the relevant minutes have been approved, for publication on the University website. Once published, Council members may freely discuss matters, without attribution, that have been recorded in the summary report. However, individual Council members should refrain from speaking on behalf of the Council unless authorized to do so. e. Applicability – These rules are applicable to all Council members, persons (without voting right) specifically invited to attend a meeting of the Council (or part thereof), and other University staff members in attendance at meetings and servicing the Council (without voting right, and may only address the meeting if invited to do so by the Chairman). In the event that a member is found to have breached these rules, the Council may, subject to the University’s Ordinance and Statutes, decide to take action against the individual concerned, provided that any decision is made after a due process. 4.8.9. Council Members Bidding for the Contracts of the University As a matter of principle, Council members should avoid entering into any business contract (e.g. for the supply of goods or services) with the University in their personal capacity to prevent the public perception of Council members using their capacity to obtain financial gains from the University. Where this is unavoidable, Council members shall adhere to the guidelines on managing possible conflict of interests in bidding for the University’s business contracts as follows:-