I have given speeches and presented my research in numerous educational institutions and leading international conferences. Please find some highlighted talks and media interviews with links to respective PDF and websites. |
Title / Occastion / Date |
Web |
中國人民大學私營企業治理與發展研究中心 青年學者公司治理與金融研究營, 北京, 2014年10月25日-26日 |
南開大學講座, 天津, 2014年10月21日 |
"One World - A New Paradigm For Wealth"
STEP Asia Conference 2014, Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) , Hong Kong, October 9, 2014 |
TCFA第13屆「2014流通經營者高峰論壇」, 台灣連鎖暨加盟協會, 台北, 2014年9月16日 |
洪建全先生纪念讲座, 洪建全教育文化基金会, 台北, 2014年9月15日 |
"Lessons from Asian Families"
Family Business Succession: Mapping for the Future, The EDGE Billion Ringgit Club, Malaysia, September 3, 2014 |
"Future Development on Four Directions: Research, Teaching, Cooperation with Industry, and Government Policy Recommendation"
Taiwan Finance Academic Development Summit, National Taiwan University, Taipei, June 26-27, 2014 |
洪建全先生纪念讲座, 洪建全教育文化基金会, 台北, 2014年2月17日 |
"Family-Owned Business Groups: Risks and Opportunities in Asia"
Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Mumbai (India), February11-12 , 2014 |
"Helping Families Manage Business and Generational Transitions"
66th CFA Institute Annual Conference, May 21, 2013 |
"Working with Chinese Family Businesses"
Luncheon talk series, CUHK Business School (MBA Program), April 12, 2012 |
"Family Business in Asia"
Coutts Institute Asia, March, 2012 |
中国会计学刊2011 学术年会, 中国厦门, 2011年11月18日 |
"The Great Succession Challenge of Asian Business"
(This is a 1.5 hour long version with emphasis of China)
FPD Chief Economist Talks, World Bank, Washington DC, USA, January 26, 2011 |
"The Great Succession Challenge of Asian Business"
Business Forum of The Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 15, 2010 |
转型期的中国公司治理发展论坛暨第六届新财富金牌董秘、第四届新财富最佳投行颁奖典礼, 中国南京, 2010年8月14日 |
转型期的中国公司治理发展论坛暨第六届新财富金牌董秘、第四届新财富最佳投行颁奖典礼, 中国南京, 2010年8月14日 |
北京大学中国经济研究中心万众楼大教室, 2010年6月9日 |
"Succession of Family Business"
后金融海啸新商机研讨会, HKTDC, Guangzhou, March 26, 2010. |
"Network and Corporate Governance"
5th International Symposium of Corporate Governance, Tianjin, China, September 5, 2009. |
"Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets: Lessons from China"
Second International Conference on Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets, Sao Paulo, July 2009. |
"Paradigms of Family Business Issues: Key Findings on Succession in Asian Family Business"
Forum and Workshop for Family and Closely-held Businesses, Hong Kong, October 2006. |
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