Measuring Relatedness Using Commodity Flow Data in Input-Output Tables
Inter-industry relatedness coefficients
Inter-segment relatedness coefficients of COMPUSTAT firm: 1979-1997
SIC-IO codes conversion table
1. Inter-industry relatedness coefficients
The following files contain inter-industry relatedness coefficients as defined in Fan and Lang (Journal of Business, October 2000). These coefficients are calculated from the 1982, 1987, and 1992 Use Table of the Benchmark Input-Output Account for the U.S. Economy, respectively. Each of the files contains six columns. Variables in these columns are defined as follows.
Column 1: the first IO industry code
Column 2: the second IO industry code
Column 3: forward vertical relatedness coefficient
Column 4: backward vertical relatedness coefficient
Column 5: forward complementarity coefficient
Column 6: backward complementarity coefficient
Download : [1982 coefficients]
Download : [1987 coefficients]
Download : [1992 coefficients]
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2. Inter-segment relatedness coefficients of COMPUSTAT firms: 1979-1997
The following two files contain segment-level relatedness coefficients of U.S. firms reported by COMPUSTAT industry segment database. The first file is sorted by sales and the other one is sorted by assets. The definitions of variables in these files are as follows.
Column 1: COMPUSTAT six-digit CUSIP company number
Column 2: fiscal year
Column 3: number of industry segment(s)
Column 4: segment sales (assets) rank
Column 5: the SIC code of the primary segment of the company
Column 6: the SIC code of the segment
Column 7: the IO code of the primary segment of the company
Column 8: the IO code of the segment
Column 9: forward vertical relatedness coefficient
Column 10: backward vertical relatedness coefficient
Column 11: forward complementarity coefficient
Column 12: backward complementarity coefficient
Column 13: sales (assets) of the segment
Download : [Inter-segment relatedness coefficients sorted by segment sales]
[Inter-segment relatedness coefficients sorted by segment assets]
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3. SIC-IO codes conversion table
The table allows concordance between the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes and the industry codes (IO) used in the U.S. input-output tables.
Download : [Conversion table]
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